TMI...A&E...Sharing is caring...cheers huns!x You're all blinkin fab!

:( Morning ladies...I have the hangover from usual cure is sweet tea and toast...having the tea but so far resisting the toast....arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Self inflicted i hub doesnt have pour triple measures and i drink em just as quick! :(

:confused: Ok as far as the tampon crisis goes...Im still NOT convinced it's out! :confused:

:rolleyes: I waited from about 9 til after midnight to see someone last night. A&E on a friday night is not a pretty sight....and then i, legs a kimbo, did nothing to improve the picture! Im absolutely crap at smears, so much so not been able to have one since son born (hes almost9!)...the nurse used gloves and KY to have a good fish around.she was pretty sure there was nothing there..i asked endless questions as im aware of Toxic Shock Syndrome and my neighbour who is a nurse told me all the gory details of it too which is what kept me 'relaxed' during the internal, if that makes sense!:rolleyes:

:confused: OK so, nurse reckons there's nothing there but i have NOT had much bleeding/period BUT i have during night started with severe period like pain...and when i have period pains like that...the ones that shoot up your butt...there's more blood..theres hardly any!:confused:

:eek: My mind is racing ten to dozen thinking maybe pain is because of tampon stuck there....:eek:

:rolleyes: Nurse said she didnt need to use spectrum at that time or go to gynea as she was happy there was/is nothing there...and just to go back if pain, there is and foul smelling discharge, there isnt!!!!:rolleyes:

:confused: GIRLS...what should i do...wait for smell or go back and get them to double check:confused:

:rolleyes: I sound like a right idiot i know! My hub said to nurse 'shes done this before' and i have...taken it out forgetting and then thinking it must be up there..obviously i havent lost one up there before but maybe i have this time????:rolleyes:

:confused: Dilema eh???....

and now I want to eat...anxiety is my big big trigger...:mad:
I would go back. Sometimes things can get 'tucked under' in there, and things might have 'moved around', making it easier to find. You'll get a fresh pair of eyes on it, and also they will prob be more likely to call the on call gynae during the day than at night.

It's best to get it sorted. After all, you put it up there, have not taken it out, therefore it must still be up there, no?
Hi Olijames

Sorry you are still in a dilemma over this. All I can advise is that you wait until Monday and try to relax over the weekend. it may be the worry that is causing the tummy pains. Wear a pad and monitor the bleeding and relate it to this day on normal TOTM. Then if you are still worried on Monday go see your GP armed with all the info.

I know this is all TMI but if I have been heavy and used a to small tampon it has on occasion slipped out into the loo. (So sorry!)

Hubby didn't help saying that to the nurse did he? As now you must worry that the nurse wasn't taking you seriously. Men eh?

Hope you can enjoy the weekend and the mystery is solved with out any more embarassment.

Of course if you feel poorly at all go back without delay.

Dizzy x
If it was still there, but you were still bleeding the blood would have saturated the tampon now and would still be coming out. Was it the end days of your period? If so there wouldn't be much anyway. If you try and squeeze down really hard when sitting on the loo, as if you are squeezing out a baby!, then you should feel something if it is there, but TBH it sounds as if its gone. The pains were probably stress & alcohol!
thanks girls

Im tempted to go tummy pains are like a really bad epriod and i have that havey need to poo feeling but constipated..OMG..period/SSing/tampon stuck 'I' think and the worry of TSS!

Hub/hospital will prob think im bonkers if i go back but i cant see why im not bleeding with this amount of pain?

Oh darling, what a nightmare for you!!!! I hope you get peace of mind really soon.....

Lots of love and hugs,
I would try the warm bath and trying to get it yourself. If that doesn't work, and you are still worried then definitely go to A&E again.
I hope this helps. A friend of mine had the same problem, put up a tampon (with the applicator) and then couldn't find it .. went to A&E but wasn't there (similar to your story) .. turned out that it must have been a blank tampon, ie no cotton wool stuff so therefore nothing to find!!!!

So maybe same thing happened to you?? Just another suggestion!!!
thanks lovelies!

Well I'm calming down a little now and yep I am gonna try the warm bath thing..Ive done some research on TSS and so will be now looking out for the symptoms...I tell ya Im a total worry wort!!!

Anyway huns, I really appreciate your advice and PMs....Im so so glad I have minimins to share the 'TMI' aspects of life..

I'm 'flowing' now and the pains have eased....

I also resisted the toast...phew! Did some housework...and there's a huge pile of ironing calling my name but not as loudly as the toast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Nic,

Removing a tampon is such an automatic and subconscious act, like many other acts of personal hygiene, that most women occasionally wonder if they've forgotten to do it. You should not feel embarrassed about it.

If your still feeling anxious I would go back, because worrying about it is only making you feel worse than your already are.


Love Mini xxx
Gosh..what us women have to put up with eh?


You're not kidding there! Men have no idea!!

If it was an applicator tampon OJ, then it wouldn't have expanded widthways anyway - they tend to exmapn kind of lengthways ... it's those Lilets 'bullets' that do the sideways thing.

Chances are that if your flow was heavy, it slipped out unnoticed (that's happened to me before ... only I caught sight of it in the loo). Are you absolutely 100% sure you even replaced it and had one there at all?

I know that there has been the odd occasion (when I have a lot on my mind), I've gone to the loo, removed one, and am on my way out of the bathroom before thinking 'SH** I haven't put another one in!'

Sounds like a job for Inspector Morse to me - he'd get it sorted!! ;)

Hope it's all sorted soon xx
Can you imagine if a male Minimins member stumbled in here through curiosity, he'd run out screaming! lol
Hmmm it is a bit of a mystery but tbh, there's not much room up there so perhaps it did come out unnoticed??

The nurse would have surely found it??

Glad you're feeling a bit better now, hun - but as everyone says, if you do start to feel worse, then go back to A&E.

If you're flowing freely, and you had 3 bars yesterday then I reckon you're in the clear (so to speak :rolleyes: ) You sound much better anyway honey!

ROFPMSL at the thought of a bloke reading through this thread!! :eek:
Mini's should be winning awards for giving men an education they hoped they'd never get...:eek:

Hey guys..we know youre lurking at all things fem!;)

:confused: Seriously DQ when I said free flowing I meant TOTM flow! Did you mean me being in clear about K after my 3 bar-a-thon..I blinkin hope so..........................

:) For some reason just changed my goal from 9st something to 10 st 4ish so i can hopefully lose up to half a stone on management....already Im more worried about staying on the M wagon than the SS wagon.....

:eek: Hugs...thanks for caring and dont forget guys....

Sharing is caring! PMSL:D
