To be a slimmer bride for June 2012

WK4 day 2

Breakfast 30g Cereal All Bran crunch HEB, banana, mullerlight yogurt vanilla with sprinkle chocolate 0 syns

Lunch Leek and potatoe soup homemade, manderine mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

Dinner. Homemade Chicken, Leek and Mushroom pie with broccoli and Califlower. 0 syns

Desset Homemade lemon meringue pie 1.5 syns

1.5 ltr favoured sparkling water

dont know what to do for tomorrow as out all day and not sure what to do for lunch. Hoping there will be a jacket potato van there. Am making some Chickpea Dahl loaf to take with me as I know that will be syn free.
Chickpea Dahl loaf. And Dime bar cheese cake



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Wk4 day3

Breakfast - Tin potatoes mushrooms egg all fried by fry light, beans and tin plum tomatoes 0 syns

Lunch - Vegtable soup homemade, mullerlight yogurt vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. 0 syns

Dinner - Homemade KFC style chicken with beans salad and low fat dressing. 0.5 syns

Dessert - Homemade lemon meringue. 1.5 syns

1.5 litres flavoured sparkling water


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Wk4 day4

Breakfast. Tin potato, mushrooms and egg all fried by using fry light, plum tomatoes. 0 syns

Lunch Home made vegetable soup, chickpea Dahl loaf. 0 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato with Philadelphia light cheese HEB. Topped with baked beans with salad and low fat dressing. 0 syns

1.5 litres of flavoured water
Wk4 day 5

Breakfast. 30g cereal all bran crunch HEB, banana, mullerlight vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. 0 syns

Lunch Homemade vegetable soup, mullerlight orange and sprinkle chocolate yogurt 0 syns

Dinner Jacket potato with Philadelphia light cheese with chives HEA, topped with baked beans and salad with low fat dressing. 0 syns

1.5 litres sparkling favoured water

30 mins Crosstrainer


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Wk4 day 6

Breakfast Cereal All Bran Crunch 30g HEB, banana, mullerlight cranberry yoghurt. 0 syns

Lunch Vegetable soup homemade, mullerlight orange with chocolate sprinkles 0 syn

Dinner Baked beans with salad and low fat dressing. 0 syns

1.5 litres sparkling flavoured water

30mins Crosstrainer
Wk4 day 7

Breakfast All bran crunch 30g HEB, banana, cherry mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

Lunch chickpea loaf, cranberry mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

Dinner Jacket potato with Philadelphia light cheese topped with baked beans and salad 0 syns Hea

2 litres of sparkling flavoured water

30 mins Crosstrainer
image.jpgimage.jpgWk5 day 3

Breakfast 30g HEB cereal all bran crunch, banana and strawberry mullerlight yogurt. 4.5 syns

Lunch. Homemade carrot and corriander soups, vanilla with cherry underlay mullerlight yogurt. 1.5 sysyns

Snack. Chickpea dahl loaf. 0 syns

Dinner salad and low fat dressing, chicken lasagna topping is made from Philadelphia light cheese with chilli HEA

1.5 litres of flavoured sparkling water

30mins Crosstrainer
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Wk5 day5

Breakfast. Cereal all bran crunch HEB, strawberry mullerlight yog, banana. 0 syns

Lunch Carrot and coriander soup, cherry mullerlight yog. 0 syns

Dinner Chicken lasagna with salad with low fat dressing. 0 syns HEA

1.5 litre of flavoured sparkling water

30mins on crosstrainer
wk 5 day 6

Breakfast - Cereal HEB with Mullerlight yogurt and banana - 0 syns

Lunch - homemade leek and potato soup, mullerlight yogurt - 0 syns

Dinner - Baked beans with Salad and low fat dressing - 0 syns

30mins crosstrainer.

As you can see i have struggled this week to put a food diary up. I have had a couple of bad days and come off plan. I am however not going to chicken out of WI tonight as i think this will kick my up the bum and get motivated again. I do think i have put on weight hopefully not more then a lb. Will let you know the outcome when i put my food diary on for today
Wk5 day7

WI today gained 0.5 lb, know the reason why so not too shocked, back to being positive. New week new start

Breakfast. Cereal HEB with mullerlight yogurt and banana. 0 syns

Lunch. Mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato topped with Philadelphia light cheese with chives and salad HEA. 0 syns

1.5 litres sparkling flavoured water

30mins Crosstrainer
Wk 6 day 1

New week fresh start

Breakfast Cereal all bran crunch 30g, banana, mullerlight yogurt. HEB. 0 syns

Lunch Homemade leek soup, mullerlight yogurt vanilla with cherry underlay. 1.5 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato topped with Philadelphia light cheese and baked beans and salad. 0 syns HEa

2 litres of flavoured sparkling water

total syns 1.5
Wk6 day 3. (Saturday)

Breakfast All bran crunch HEB banana mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

Lunch Homemade potato leek soup, mullerlight yogurt vanilla with cherry underlay 1.5 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato, baked beans and Penne onion courgette pasta bake. HEA

total syns 1.5

1.5 litre flavoured sparkling water
image.jpgWk6 day 4 Sunday

Breakfast All bran crunch HEB. Banana mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns

Lunch Carrot and Coriander soup

Dinner Chicken, carrots leek potato broccoli Califlower and chicken stock. 0 syns

Dessert Muller light yogurt. 0 syns

1 litre of flavoured water
Wk 6 day 5 Monday

Breakfast All Bran Crunch cereal HEB. Banana. Mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns HEB

Lunch. Carrot and coriander soup homemade. Mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato topped with Philadelphia light cheese HEA and baked beans with salad. 0 syns HEA

1ltr of flavoured sparkling water
Wk 6 day6 Tuesday

Breakfast All Bran Crunch cereal HEB. Banana. Mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns HEB

Lunch. Carrot and coriander soup homemade. Mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns

Dinner. Jacket potato topped with Philadelphia light cheese HEA and baked beans with salad. 0 syns HEA

1ltr of flavoured sparkling water
Wk6 day7 Wednesday

Breakfast All Bran Crunch HEB mullerlight yogurt and banana. HEB 0 syns

Lunch mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns

Dinner Jacket potato with baked beans. And salad

2 litres of flavoured water

1.5 lbs loss this week back to smiley face :)
Happy New year everyone.

Well here it goes diet will start to commence again from today. I have now just over 5 months to the wedding but trying my dress on again end of March so I need to get back to the plan to achieve my weight loss.

I have over indulged over Christmas but hey why not.

Planning to join a gym tomorrow as well which I'm looking forward to.

Starting my weekly diary again, 5 months 1 week 2 days to go

The plan for today so far

Wk 1 day 1 Tuesday

B - 40g All bran cereal HEB, Mullerlight toffee yogurt and Banana 0 syns
wk1 day2 Wednesday

B - All bran cereal 40g HEB, mullerlight yogurt, banana 0 syns HEB
L - Carrot and coriander soup homemade, mullerlight yogurt. 0 syns
D - Jacket potato with 70g Philadelphia light cheese spread HEA, with baked beans and salad 0 syns HEA

2litres of sparkling water
Wk1 day3 Thurs

B all bran cereal HEB, mullerlight yogurt, banana. HEB 0 syns

L carrot and coriander soup homemade, mullerlight yogurt 0 syns

D jacket potato with philidelphia light chilli cheese, baked beans, salad 0 syns

20mins on bike. And 20 mins on Crosstrainer plus sit ups 30 reps x 5

2 litres of sparkling water