Too much too soon?


Full Member
Hi everyone...
I just started Slimmin World last week and am doing Body Magic aswell, and for 5 days last week I did 30 minutes of an Aerobics DVD. Yesterday morning I upped it to 45 minutes, but then was really busy all day aswell... I've woken up this morning and feel like I just wanna curl back up rather than excercise anything... My shoulders ache and the top of my legs are sore... Do I need a break or am I making excuses and should just power on through?
Thanks in advance.
Why dont your try something a little less strenuous? maybe go for a walk or some Yoga.

When it comes to exercise you generally will ache it just means that you've worked hard so GO YOU!!!

Make sure you stretch well before and after a session to help minimalise aches. If you have a good stretch most aches with ease off once you get in to your next session its when they dont that you should be resting.

As for rest you should fit atlease 1 to 2 in a week and try an alternate you sessions dont do the same thing 2 days in a row this will let the muscles your not working that day have an extra rest.

Keep up the good work!!!
Thankyou =] I did go for a walk for about an hour and a half with the LO in his pram, and I'm tired but not as achey as I was this morning... Think I'll leave the DVD for today and get back on with it tomorrow.
Never give up, the only way to shake the aches is to continue exercising/activity! Make sure you stretch properly as well!
Hope youre feeling a bit better now. I find some days the exercise is so easy and othertimes - like today- its such an ordeal!!

As said above stretch properly to warm up and cool down, have 1-2 days off a week to recover, and also have a couple of options for different days, so if you dont feel up to aerobics try walking or swimming.