

I ♥ CD !!
hi guys well day 3 for me would it be okay to use my treadmill 20 walk maybe just thinking of sagging thighs :p
anyone ?? :)
Hi Sasha, I would think it's way too early to be thinking about exercise. Give it two or three weeks and then institute a gentle routine - gradually building up to get that heart rate up - you're not currently taking in enough calories to sustain an exercise routine.

Are you Sole Source? All of your meal replacements have been carefully calibrated to do one thing only: encourage your body to burn stored fat reserves. Give your body a wee bit of a chance to get used to the new regime .... There will be time enough to tone those thighs, I promise, just focus on one day at a time 100% SS; when your body acclimatises in a few weeks (and you trust the losses on the programme more, so won't mind seeing a gain of a lb of muscle instead of lost fat!) you can start gentle leg lifts, treadmills etc.

Right, all that is out of the way so I just have to say: Well done on making this choice to fight for and rediscover beautiful you :) Welcome aboard .... It's not for the feint of heart, but the rewards of the plan are phenomenal. I look forward to hearing about all your successes x