Extra Easy Days Trefoil's Trip To Target!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but oil is no longer a HEB. This changed in the last 6 months or so. Food looks good!

Aah crumbs :( I rely on it for all sorts. I don't eat bread or cereal, just my Alpen light bars, which I don't tend to eat much as they give me stomach ache. I will need to rethink my meals a little bit. I appreciate you telling me though, thank you very much :)

Aww, Ruth. Never apologize for "ranting" or "venting" or anything else you do here. This is YOUR diary! xx

Glad to hear you're feeling better though x :)

Haha thank you Beelishy although sometimes I use it to get rid of things in my mind and regret it afterwards haha! Just a bit of offloading, makes room for other mad things in my head!

Hope that all is well and that you enjoyed the rainbow cake!!

Hi. Ploddin' along slowly. Recently put on 10lb whilst on plan. Diagnosed with under active thyroid so waiting for meds to bring levels down.

Love the honesty on your posts!

Oh goodness, I'm glad you've managed to get meds to get things sorted! Your awards in your signature are really impressive so I'm sure you will claw it back in no time :)

Thanks Haha! I always think that the only person I am cheating is myself if I'm dishonest!

Hope that you've had a good day.

I think you should keep doing what youre doing if its working for you Ruth! That's just my opinion obviously. But I would leave things as are, unless you start to see that you arent getting any losses and THEN rethink it. You dont eat bread, etc so it would be almost making you have something you dont want or wouldnt normally have just to satisfy the new HEX rules. Seems silly, esp when what youve been doing is very clearly working! maybe talk to your consultant/leader and see what she says?
I think you should keep doing what youre doing if its working for you Ruth! That's just my opinion obviously. But I would leave things as are, unless you start to see that you arent getting any losses and THEN rethink it. You dont eat bread, etc so it would be almost making you have something you dont want or wouldnt normally have just to satisfy the new HEX rules. Seems silly, esp when what youve been doing is very clearly working! maybe talk to your consultant/leader and see what she says?

Yes I think I will just mention it in passing to my consultant on Monday as I am a little concerned.
I ate my Alpen bars today and my naughty OH made Quesadillas (SW style) so I had 1/2 a wrap and I'm really paying the price now with stomach ache :(
I never really look at my Bs, I'm a bit naughty haha, I just picked up my pack and carried on. I will see what she says on Monday, hopefully it won't be too bad!

Thursday 05th May

Vanilla and Choc sprinkled Mullerlight
1/2 Grapefruit

2x Alpen Light Jaffa Bars HEB
2x Boiled Eggs, sliced
50g Avocado (5)
Olives (1)
Iceberg Lettuce
Cider Vinegar
Red Pepper
Spring Onion
1 Tsp English Mustard (1/2)

Quesadillas (slow cooker)
Chicken Breasts
Chopped Tomatoes
2 Peppers
Mixed Herbs
2 Crushed Garlic Cloves
2 Red Chillies
Baked Beans
Mixed Beans
HEA Reduced Fat Cheese
1/2 Wholemeal Wrap (4.5- they're very large)
Olives (1)
Frozen Toffee Mullerlight
Cherries, Grapes and Blackcurrants

= 11.5 Syns

Bleh, too much bread based products :( stomach isn't happy at all :( learnt my lesson!! It was very yummy and tasty apart from that though!

Aah crumbs :( I rely on it for all sorts. I don't eat bread or cereal, just my Alpen light bars, which I don't tend to eat much as they give me stomach ache. I will need to rethink my meals a little bit. I appreciate you telling me though, thank you very much :)


Yes, it came as a shock to a lot of folk! Maybe try nuts and seeds? Pumpkin seeds are a favourite of mine. I am also partial to prunes!
Present to me?
Got my diary for my four week prezzie so considering putting this away for my 8 week prezzie/hitting my club 10?

Hi Ruth,

Popped over to sub you too. Read the last few pages and hope you are feeling better for getting it all out however I can imagine you are feeling pretty frantic.

Please take care of yourself and remember that we are all here to listen (read) and support!

Yes, it came as a shock to a lot of folk! Maybe try nuts and seeds? Pumpkin seeds are a favourite of mine. I am also partial to prunes!

Oooh I haven't had prunes for years and I think I may have a look into the nuts and seeds side too, thank you for the info!
Shaking it up a bit and having a change can't hurt!

Hi Ruth,

Popped over to sub you too. Read the last few pages and hope you are feeling better for getting it all out however I can imagine you are feeling pretty frantic.

Please take care of yourself and remember that we are all here to listen (read) and support!


Hello! :)

Thank you for your kind words, I am feeling a little better thanks, just plodding along! It's all I can do until it's sorted. Got my OH, parents and everyone on here to keep me going :D

Nice to have you along for the ride!

image.jpeg Dinner was totally immense.
This massive mixture of a stir fry!

Spinach with Garlic and Ginger
Serves 2
Fresh Ginger
2 Cloves of Garlic
1 tbsp Cooking White Wine

Peppered Chicken Stir Fry
Serves 2
Chicken Breasts x2, cubed
Soy Sauce
Oyster Sauce
1 tbsp Cooking White Wine
Red Pepper
Green Beans
Sugarsnap Peas
Handful of black peppercorns, crushed

Rice Noodles

Sit the chicken in a mixture of soy sauce, crushed black peppercorns, oyster sauce, S&P and the cooking white wine for around 10 minutes.
Boil the noodles, flashing the chicken and searing it using frylight in a wok. When cooked through, turn out onto some kitchen roll and set aside.
Put another deep frying pan or wok on the hob and turn on until smouldering. Spray with frylight and add 2 thinly sliced cloves of garlic as well as 2 tablespoons worth of fresh ginger thinly chopped. Stir fry for 1 minute.
Add 1/2 a bag of washed spinach and stir fry for 3 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp of cooking white wine and stir fry for another 3 minutes. Serve.
Whilst the spinach is cooking, put 3 tbsp of soy sauce and 2 tbsp of oyster sauce in a measuring jug alongside 2 tbsp of water. Set aside. In the wok that the chicken was in, add more frylight as well as the pepper, mangetout, green beans, baby corn and sugarsnap peas. Also add 2 chopped garlic cloves and more fresh ginger (to taste).When cooked through and browning, add the chicken and soy sauce mixture. Then add the noodles. Cook for three minutes and serve with the spinach.

1 Syn per serving (for the cooking wine!)

Friday 6th May

Peach Slices
After Dinner Mint Mullerlight

50g Avocado (5)
2x Boiled Eggs, sliced
Iceberg Lettuce
Cider Vinegar
Cherry Tomatoes
Red Pepper
1 tsp English Mustard (1/2)

Peppered Chicken Stir Fry with Rice Noodles and Spinach and Ginger Side (1)
Sriracha Sauce (2)
Gin & Slimline Tonic (3)
Frozen Grapes, Blackberries and Cherries with 1 tsp Hazelnut Spread (1.5)

= 13 Syns

Guten Morgen everyone!

Just getting up to nip to the gym for an hour (OH is up getting ready to go to work), then back to get ready, put a wash on followed by coffee with my parents. Followed by shopping and browsing of fancy dress items (we are going to a party as Morticia and Gomez from the Addams family...) and then I need to nip to Asda to get some ham, tomato, mushrooms and avocados for me and peanut butter cookies for OH (how I do not give in is beyond me... Hahaha!)
Then I need to clean the entire flat and potentially mow the lawn. Keeps me busy and out of the fridge.... I may also nip back to the gym later or tomorrow night depending on how I feel.

Hope that you all have a fab day!

Brunch! Needed due to gym!


Your brunch looks yummy hun

Sounds like you have a busy day planned xxxx
Your brunch looks yummy hun

Sounds like you have a busy day planned xxxx

Thank you it was very nice! Yes I have been exceptionally busy and am now extremely tired and sporting several blisters on my feet too boo! I hope that you've had a lovely day! It has been such a nice day here!

Looking forward to putting my feet up- when I've made dinner!

I made these for Dan my OH
Peanut butter cookies. He has been exceptionally tired recently due to his working hours and routine changing, something that he really struggles with adjusting to, even the difference of 1 hr is causing him some issues. Therefore I've been a top girlfriend ;)
I ate no mixture (I don't like cookies) and they have been received well on his return home from work!

