Tummy shrinkage

Basically Hun, if you're not hungry then dont force yourself to eat. I have a gastric band and Im still loosing weight by eating the portions that I can and at different times of the day.
Have a glass of water and then leave it an hour before you decide if you need to eat or not....dont eat for the sake of adding another meal.

I've had the same problem, it's weird, because I would eat much more than I do now, before I started. I tend to have smaller portions now and that seems to be helping.
Thanks for your comments :) I've been doing sw a while now think may just be at a new stage or maybe its just a couple of days of it?!
The thing is because I plan my food and take it to work with me I eat it because I am bored but I don't seem to be able to cope with what I would call a meal and the grazing so I need to plan for that and maybe take more grazing food fruit etc so I am prepared for it x