Tummy Tuck Jeans

A sex goddess my goodness,, i havent the energy for that with 6 children aged 10 yrs and under and knowing me if i did end up a sex goddess i would probably be having number 7 lol

cdc norwich
Goodness me

Lots of children!
Thank you for the advice, and I know you are right. But I also am morphing into sex goddess. This is my cocoon. It's comfortable right now, if I avoid mirrors, it's fine. Only for a few more weeks, then I'll emerge, sylph like and ready to face my public. Of course you're ACCEPTED for whatever weight you are by other people. But if I can't accept it I don't want to put myself through the distress. I want to wait til I'm comfortable with myself again. Only a few weeks away. Isn't that right, tinkle?
:D:D:D:DMorning ALL
Phew - woke up with death breath this morning and stick is turning pink! Feel hungry but want to finish my 1,5l of plain water before I indulge in a nice hot creamy coffee choc thingy!

Really enjoyed my soup and made my other pack into crisps..... I managed 4.5l of water and 1.5l of that was sparkling.

My tummy's bin a bit gurgly though!!!!!

I'm safely in a cocoon, only until I can cope with the diet and feel confident to go out to pub or even a club on water all night. I need to lose a stone at least before I venture out in public!
