Ugh @ having to start over already.

I only started my weight loss plan on April 5th and I've just gotten over a two week battle with the flu (not even 100% yet), towards the end of which I started to get my strength back and unfortunately food became a friend again and it was all tea and hob nobs, midnight snacks and take aways. I'd only lost 2lbs but it's got to be back on again (been too scared to check).

God, why is restarting so discouraging. I feel like a little bit of my confidence has been chipped away, and through no fault of my own that I am having to either, I didn't want to/ask to get sick.
I hate this. :cry:
AGA never mind about the flu (could not be helped), and point being you know you can loose weight. Start today just keep busy and dont constantly think about your next meal other wise we always reminding ourselves we are on a diet. Sometimes, and most often, we think about it all the time and then we sabotage!

A new day today and off you go. Set some small, quick achievable goals and once they are done you will feel confident to tackle the rest.

Good luck.
