Unable to exercise and ww


Hi all is anyone else like me? i broke my leg a while ago and I can't exercise its a pain. I am doing weight watchers, anyone got any advice? I am afraid to use any of my weeklies but I am starving, advice please! :)
It's not the end of the world if you can't exercise on WW. Some weeks I haven't done any exercise and still lost weight. If you've broken your leg you could try doing 'chair' exercises for people who are not very mobile. I'm sure there are videos on youtube! It basically involves doing gentle stretches and movements but sitting down in a chair.

Don't deprive yourself- eat your weeklies if you are hungry. Take it a week at a time, if you do gain after eating all your weeklies then just cut back a bit but I'm sure it will be fine.
im a deffo believer in eating your weeklies!!!
the new group I go to seem to only eat/drink there weeklies if there off out!! not me if I want chocolate, wine crisps ect n have no dailies left I will have them out my weeklies I wont not have something! I like being on ww coz its not meant to be a diet its a lifestyle change!
So eat ur weeklies love!
When I first started doing ww I never did any exercise n lost nearly 3 stone! I now have an exercise bike so im doing more now than what I used to!
but I agree jus chair exercises maybe, but dnt do anything that will hurt ur leg jus get ur self better then slowly start going for walks again ect
Thanks so much for the replies everyone. I will give it a go and use some of my weeklies I can't go around starving and feeling deprived I feel I will just quit this way. Thanks.
I am unable to formally exercise due to medical problems, only walking for which I never eat my AP anyway. I use mine Weeklies and reached Goal on Friday! Never deprive yourself or you're likely to slip off the wagon, I have a full size chocolate bar EVERY night, it keeps me focused, motivated and on track! Weeklies are there to be enjoyed so enjoy them! More IS More! X
I will give it a go everyone. I lost 6 lbs my first week and put on .5lbs this week. I was disappointed but I suppose my body was just settling down. I ate 17 of my weeklies so maybe if I eat more this week? Who knows. I am dying to exercise again I was running and really want to get back to it but it will be a while I would say :(
I will give it a go everyone. I lost 6 lbs my first week and put on .5lbs this week. I was disappointed but I suppose my body was just settling down. I ate 17 of my weeklies so maybe if I eat more this week? Who knows. I am dying to exercise again I was running and really want to get back to it but it will be a while I would say :(

More Is More and you're still 6.5lbs lighter than a fortnight ago!!! Give eating all your Weeklies a go :) x
Your body will also even out the weigh loss I found. That is quite a big loss so the next week it's understandable to not lose so much. I only do walking at the moment cos of how heavy I am and still lose 1-2lb a week and also I don't walk in a power walk way I just stroll and work on improving my speed.
Hi Casper4, I won't be able even to walk from next week due to having a massive foot op on Tuesday so if you do find a way to keep toned I would appreciate any info you can give. Thought I would try resistance bands and maybe leg raises. the cast should act as a weight I guess. Need to keep some muscle tone or I'll end up looking like a jellyfish, LOL. Hopefully not being at least I won't get tempted by naughty stuff at the supermarkets! Take it gently though and stop trying to run before you can walk or you may do yourself another injury. Maybe stretching exercises and hopefully stuff given to you by the physio if you have seen one since you broke your leg. maybe we should have a wonky club on here xx
Hi all, had my op last Tuesday and was feeling quite yukk for a few days and couldn't eat. Weighed myself(with difficulty I may add on the one leg,LOL!} and to my huge disappointment had put back 3lbs!!! I really hate how my body is so resistant to weight loss. Anyway I started eating reasonably sized meals and the weight today has gone again thank goodness. Just goes to show that I put my body into starvation mode and it didn't like it! Well I will have to start eating all my dailies again I guess although that is quite hard when you can't get around you don't feel hungry! Onwards and downwards will try doing some chair exercises
I'm sure doing some chair exercises will help. Don't be too hard on yourself, you've just had an op after all.
Remember Dragonfly, More IS More ;-) Hope your Recovery goes smoothly. X