under 200lb but feeling fatter and unhappy


Silver Member
Hey guys, the good news is I weighed in this morning at 197.5lb which is the lowest I have been in a lot of years which im pleased about, but I just feel unhappy in myself. Still feel fat, don't feel comfortable in any clothes and still cant seem to find clothes that make me look nice.

Nobody has really noticed or given me any compliments and my husband isnt supportive and almost tries to temp me to eat. He works away and has no contract at the moment waiting for a day to go back off-shore and every day that goes by that he is still home makes it harder and harder to do, I really feel like giving up at the moment. :(

I dare not even let him catch me on minimins as he gives me grief about it.

Hope everyone is doing good xx
Fantastic losses feel proud!!! Maybe you are feeling bloated due to TOTM and that's making you the way you do? Everyone even skinny people have days they feel fatter so it will pass!!

I hear you on the clothes front though- I feel the same and am waiting for the day that might change.

I'm sure people will have noticed your loss they mayb just don't want to be in your face about it? Personally I get really embarrassed if anyone says anything to me about my weight even a positive thing.

I'm sorry your OH is unsupportive that is hard. Try and come on here when you can even if it's difficult so we can help you out!!! Good luck going forawrd and don't give up xxx
Chin up girl! Yes, we've both got a way to go but look at how far we've come. And scr*w the hubby (not literally, that'll teach him ;) ). You sound more unhappy since he's back hun. Hope everything's ok.
thanks scot appreciate your kinds words x

Yes Borders, he has worked away for over 10 years and he has been home a lot in the last 3 months and tbh its driving me crazy I think when I do lose the weight maybe he should be next to go!! ;)

And yes he has no chance of that at the moment!!!

looking at your goals you have done brilliant! keep going hun xx