Unthoughtful people.

Dear Dark bits in my hair...


I want to be blonde damn you....... BLONDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all!!!!
Daisy that just made me burst out laughing on the train... Hahaha love that you called your period a gobshi*e! X

Hahaha it is a total gobsh*ite!! hahaha and i have a coldsore and a sty!! i look like a baddie from a disney film at the minute!! just shows my body does not agree with me staying sober!!! I NEEEEEED TO GO CLUBBING!!!! NOT JUST FOR MY SAKE! BUT FOR THE POOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO LOOK AT ME! HAHA
Hahaha it is a total gobsh*ite!! hahaha and i have a coldsore and a sty!! i look like a baddie from a disney film at the minute!! just shows my body does not agree with me staying sober!!! I NEEEEEED TO GO CLUBBING!!!! NOT JUST FOR MY SAKE! BUT FOR THE POOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE TO LOOK AT ME! HAHA

Just go away and leave me alone. If I want to sulk for a night then just leave me to it!!

Oh and to the people who's manta seems to be "it's my opinion, I'm entitled to it" you lot can do one too. I know it's your opinion as you keep ramming it down mine and everyone else's throat. Now grow up and understand that no one really cares right now because we all ready frigging know it's your opinion blah blah blah blah blah. Mine is that you bugger right off out of my headspace for now!!

TOTM due incase anyone wonders, I'll be back to normal in a day or two. Going to disappear to my bed and sulk there now!!!!!!
Oh and please none of my LT friends be offended, it's not you lot (you seem to be the only people I actually like at the min lol). I'm not naming threads but there are some right whingers out there and it just proves to me how supportive the LT crowd are. oh and some soon to be deleted FB peeps annoying me also. And my hubby. And my neighbours. A couple of colleagues. I'm gonna stop now. Nite nite xx
Oh and please none of my LT friends be offended, it's not you lot (you seem to be the only people I actually like at the min lol). I'm not naming threads but there are some right whingers out there and it just proves to me how supportive the LT crowd are. oh and some soon to be deleted FB peeps annoying me also. And my hubby. And my neighbours. A couple of colleagues. I'm gonna stop now. Nite nite xx
*Gives huge hug!!!!!*

For once in your life why don't you think about things from somebody elses point of view!!!

Your so self obsessed its actually laughable!!!

F*** you and the horse you rode in on!!!

that is all!!!

Brilliant idea
Dear mum
Why did you feed us do much as children and then reward us for eating a massive meal with biscuits? I love you dearly but without you I may not have been in this mess!

That does feel good, thanks pamdev

OMG... I am soo glad someone said this!

Dear Kids,

People think I'm wrong cos I dont make you eat all your dinner... and you think I'm mean for not giving you desserts everyday and making you eat 5 a day. You tell me I am cruel making you eat healthy food, rarely allowing McDonalds and not letting you live on chicken nuggets & sweets like your friends!! I wish you could see I do this out of LOVE. Its not fun to be fat all your life cos you never knew how to control your eating!
If you become overweight... at least I can say I gave you the right tools, didnt over-feed you and tried not to make food an issue.

Love you, you ungrateful brats x x:)
Pamdev, Daisy, Deezer and others... Thank you. this is the best forum of all. Love it, and needed a good laugh. Its funny cos I say all these things in my head (and sometimes out loud) EVERYDAY.
Dear people who keep telling me this diet is stupid and I will put double the weight back on and blah blah, unhealthy blah, and cant maintain blah...

Well, I've done diet pills, weightwatchers, slimming world, starvation, exercise, slimfast, '11 in 4', various over the counter slimming aids, laxatives, cutting my hair and so many other things i lost count and I STILL PUT IT ALL BACK ON PLUS SOME REGARDLESS of which one it was.

Kindly stop knocking me for trying. Do I comment that you are wearing clothes for work which are best seen on a toddler? Do I say anything about the lazy unemployable, sponging son you raised? have I remarked that your an idiot for taking back your lying cheating husband? Do I make screwed up faces when you come over to my desk because you smell revolting?
So why do you feel you should all air your opinion on MY diet? Especially when, 6 months ago when I asked my ex to leave you all suggested I could get him back if I 'just do something about the weight'. I didnt and dont want him back and if he tried just cos I'd lost weight, I'd tell him to jog on.

Thank you for your concern. Bet you'll all judge me when I'm thin too and say 'she's changed' like the last ones did!!

Kind regards
siany71 said:
Dear people who keep telling me this diet is stupid and I will put double the weight back on and blah blah, unhealthy blah, and cant maintain blah...

Well, I've done diet pills, weightwatchers, slimming world, starvation, exercise, slimfast, '11 in 4', various over the counter slimming aids, laxatives, cutting my hair and so many other things i lost count and I STILL PUT IT ALL BACK ON PLUS SOME REGARDLESS of which one it was.

Kindly stop knocking me for trying. Do I comment that you are wearing clothes for work which are best seen on a toddler? Do I say anything about the lazy unemployable, sponging son you raised? have I remarked that your an idiot for taking back your lying cheating husband? Do I make screwed up faces when you come over to my desk because you smell revolting?
So why do you feel you should all air your opinion on MY diet? Especially when, 6 months ago when I asked my ex to leave you all suggested I could get him back if I 'just do something about the weight'. I didnt and dont want him back and if he tried just cos I'd lost weight, I'd tell him to jog on.

Thank you for your concern. Bet you'll all judge me when I'm thin too and say 'she's changed' like the last ones did!!

Kind regards

Siany you've hit the nail on the head with that! It's none of their business what you do or how you chose to live your life! Uneducated-live-in-their-own-sad-bubble-people love to point the finger not only at any little flaw you may have but continue to do so when you work hard to put it right! It's all in a bid to distract from their own flaws and problems by pointing the finger at you they think others can't see them! You lose your weight for you and be the best you can be, when you feel and look great they can say what the f**k they want and all you have to do is look back at them and smile.... Because you did it and they are jealous they can't! Xxx
Dear Buddy (my dog)

Please please please stop farting. I love you and I love that you love me but I'd rather you went and sat beside Paul (my OH) you really are stinky tonight. eye watering stuff. nasty nasty nasty.

Dear infection that my 2 year old daughter has, fk off. As soon as. she is a wee soul and I want her all better. On the plus side, I am enjoying my cuddles from her.

Dear 5lb's that I gained over christmas & NY. GO AWAY. PLEASE. I have been low carbing, I've been living off soup. please please please just bugger off and let me get back to where I was when I came off TFR.

Dear TOTM. Now we have discussed this before. I know you are coming. there is no way you are creeping up unannounced this month as if someone even breathes near my boobs I can feel it. can you put me out my misery and just get it over with for this month??????

Phew. feel better now.
pamdev said:
Dear Neighbours,

It's still November. Why is your Christmas tree up???

Haha, love it! Dear neighbours, it's February in a couple of days...why are you're Christmas lights still up never mind ON?!
Dear work collegues - no I am not anorexic! I'm a size 18 for goodness sake!
Dear mother, I love you to bits ,and for years you no I've constantly trying to loose weight, so why o why is it that now I'm getting some where that you seem to want me to give it up
pamdev said:
Dear Buddy (my dog)

Please please please stop farting. I love you and I love that you love me but I'd rather you went and sat beside Paul (my OH) you really are stinky tonight. eye watering stuff. nasty nasty nasty.

Dear infection that my 2 year old daughter has, fk off. As soon as. she is a wee soul and I want her all better. On the plus side, I am enjoying my cuddles from her.

Dear 5lb's that I gained over christmas & NY. GO AWAY. PLEASE. I have been low carbing, I've been living off soup. please please please just bugger off and let me get back to where I was when I came off TFR.

Dear TOTM. Now we have discussed this before. I know you are coming. there is no way you are creeping up unannounced this month as if someone even breathes near my boobs I can feel it. can you put me out my misery and just get it over with for this month??????

Phew. feel better now.

Hahahaha! My dog Casper is doing his best impression of a skunk tonight, so this really made me chuckle. :)