urgent help needed please

hey all i am new *waves* i done tfr for only to weeks as i had only 1st 8lb to lose i have had advice from my chemist to not to the refeed but instead follow the maintaince plan having 2 of those a day and a small meal and i am not allowed to have any carbs for at least 2 weeks will doing it this way make me gain weight as i really do not want to scared to continue this way.
You are gonna be all right. Just do not eat white carb (pasta, bread, potatoes, rice, etc). When having meal stick with protein (fish, chicken without skin, any lean meat) and not starchy vegetables, avoid carrots, potatoes, beetroot for the the first couple weeks. After start adding 1 potatoe a day or 2 slices wholemeal bread, portion of wholemeal pasta. Do one portion per day just. Next week could add one fruit per day, etc. Try to do it slowly and see how your weght reacts. Good luck, dear:)