Using rice as a stuffing for aubergines?


Full Member
I am just wondering if anyone has used rice mixed with courgettes, tomatoes, the insides of the aubergine? I am planning it for dinner, but unsure if it would work. I think I can make the rice mosit with the tomatoes but I am wondering if anyone has used anything other than mince or just vegetables?
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I usually use plain cous cous. I add a little stock or passata to the water before cooking the cous cous, you can add some finely chopped veg or bacon (I do EE). I love this stuffed in mushrooms, but would work in any stuffed veg.
There is a recipe in the SW One Pot Wonders cookery book which mixes rice with chopped tomatoes (fresh, not tinned), diced aubergine, chopped spring onions, garlic and chilli and chopped low-fat mozzarella stuffed into peppers and baked. It is really nice.

No reason why you couldn't change that around, chop the peppers and stuff into the aubergine.