ProPoints vegas countdown:D


Silver Member
Hi all am brand spanking new to ww ProPoints and dead excited to get going!!!

Having always lost weight counting calories- and ineveitably yo-yoing each time :(- i realised i wasn't learning any life long eating habits just eating as little as i could til i was at goal then eating as much as i could til it was all back on again!!! Typical story of deprivation that resulted in a very bad relationship with food and me being utterly miserable. Just could not sustain it and would end up binging so have never had consistent losses.

So here i am with a clean a slate, luckily i have maintained my 18lb weight loss from 2011 but am hoping to get to my ultimate goal weight of around 9st and finally feeling comfrotable with myself :D

My husband and i are going to las vegas and tennesse in september for our 2nd wedding anniversary and i hope to be maintaining by then! It's 30ish weeks away so a slow steady loss of a pound (or even half a pound) per week will ding dang do me :D

Look forward to reading about all your journeys..............xx
had an excellent first day on happy :) have dipped into my weeklies for a choc fix but i guess thats what they are there for! haven't been too hungry either which just shows how much i was eating unnecessarily.

Had the ww chicken tikka ready meal ad it was lovely! really tasty and creamy with plenty of chicken........thumbs up from me. Here's to many more days like this xx