Verdict on cheese and broccoli soup

Ooooooooooooo .... I love Stilton, it's the cheese I miss most.
bleugh!!!!!!!!! I thought it was gross ... far too much like powdered stilton and was a murky green colour.
Gotta say....I wasn't too keen on it as a soup, but as crisps it was OK and would be a great sauce for those following 790 and above programs!
tried it at the conference on Sat, looked around as everyone else sipped theirs, they all seemed to be enjoying it, I thought it was YUKKKKKKKKK tasted a bit like pea soup.... but have to say my clients so far seem to think its fab!!!! :p
I tasted mine today, it was nice, but I was disappointed as I could not taste the cheese. I love cheese. I tasted broccoli more than anything.

hi everyone, i had a customer order this soup, and didn't have a clue it existed, well now i have no excuse so i'd better order it!
Had my first taste of broccoli and cheese soup. Think I made it too watery, although it was still quite creamy. I didn't find it 'cheesy', but definitely a taste of broccoli. Going to make crisps tomorrow and see how they turn. Definitely at least a 7/10 :cool:
Yeah I tried it today and couldn't really taste much cheese (erm I don't eat stilton so dunno what it tastes like - blue mould - yeuch).

I was knocked out by how 'green veg-y' it smelled - really reminded me of pea soup. But with overtones of broccoli lol.

I liked it - makes a really nice change for the old tastebuds!

Will have to see what my clients make of it now!
I had it tonight and found it was ... ummm ... 'ok'.

I put PH in it to thicken it and it reminded me of pea soup - like Isobel I didn't find it very cheesy. I needed to put some black pepper on it to zizz is up a bit though - found it a tad bland.

I might have it again - might not ... didn't rock my world I'm afraid!
nice soup brocolis /cheese ...

with a some parmesan on the top put under the grill yummy :)

i joke !!! its a joke.....