Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

I must have had Cheddar the night you were Lara Croft!
Thats just crazy! Im eating some cheddar before i go to bed tonight and will see what happens.
how dumb am i?????? Made a casserole earlier but only forgot to turn on the slow cooker.
LMFAO cheryl that is soooooo funny. i thought wow you are all so organised :) dinner late tonight then?
Hello Vicks and finally caught up on your diary!

Vicky - I hope our bods aren't getting used to this weight cos I too am showing the exact same weights day by day as last week. Note to body: this is NOT my stabilisation weight!


yes i am wondering. i seem to be retaining water (my scales say so) but my body fat dowm from 32 - 29 so even if weight not going down the ketones are burning my fat away!

Afternoon Ms. Vicky :)

I seem to be suffering a similar fate to you and Jo at the moment :(

stagnant at a similar BMI as Jo and down to the same body fat as you and now boom stagnant (makes you wonder eh...?)....
"Note to body: this is NOT my stabilisation weight!"
I know... maybe this is our weight now. You arent over 30 though are you? thats when it gets worse :(
i dont want to be this weight, actually i wouldnt mind if i was 6 inches taller and slender and toned :D that running will help.
nah not over 30 yet... was hoping to be low weight before I got there and just spend my 30's maintaining rather than still dieting... I've done ok...was 15st in my teen years.... just want the rest to go!

Running! x
is that your next birthday?? and how many more of your 14 weeks do you have left? Yes running...shall we?
its only 9 lbs sarah. you have 3 weeks at 3 lbs. get running.
woop. when you starting? I might start on sunday (will people think im strange walking for a min and running for a min?) maybe best for me to start on monday after work ;)
in the dark...unless someone is specifically watching you...doubt they'll notice you start and stopping...x

Think it best to avoid going out on Sunday night (hallowe'en).... x
Oh Sh*t yeah LMAO although me in tracksuit bottoms would prob scare anyone. Ok
ill start monday and prob take a dog with me :D one that doesnt keep stopping to sniff (will be HM then) then i wont look just like a numpty.
i know!!! well.....gabi decided to sit in the kitchen and cry and look at the leads so decided to take them out for a walk. so... did couple of mins brisk walk, then a little run, 20 mins of this (making sure no one could see me) knackered. grace loved it gabi got dragged and hannah is indifferent. couldnt time a minute running, but know where i ran so will be trying for longer distance next time!!!! omg ive been running....
p.s. weight loss fairy i need to lose, a pound of four you can choose, please come tonight and fulfil my plea, cos its weigh in tomorrow and i want to be mini me :D