Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Well I pray that happens real soon chick... time for you to get back to normal & able to try again. x
Snap! So what is going on?
Im bored. Come on girls get shopping for me. I need to give him my list in the morning!
Wow is it really nearly a year... you've got more posts than me & i've been on here forever!
I only started this diary when i started dukan too.

Oh what are we like. New moon on saturday though!
Lol cheryl you wil have to check you are closer.
Is there anything you need? shoes? boots? hairdryer? products for hair?
I dont really need anything. If i do i go and buy it. I just want to change wardrobe now the really cold weather is coming
Prezzie ideas:
Jewellery? A nice necklace or ring? Not expensive. A nice piece of dress jewellery.
A pair of lovely pink fleece PJs now the nights are getting colder.
New nail varnish. There are some lovely christmas colours (e.g Cranberry and reds with sparkles in).
Lovely BIG camel coloured bag to go with your new poncho, plus it can be used as a 'baby bag' once no.2 comes along (think positive hun).
Cook Book (one of my guilty pleasures. I read them like novels)
DVD (something girlie like Sex and the City 2)
A snuggie for when you're sat on the sofa watching your fav programmes in the winter. ASDA so a lovely pink one (have you guessed I like pink?!)

Hope this helps a little Cheryl.

you bloomin awkward girl!!! what about a pamper day with a friend?
Nikki is that your list my love???? great ideas x
Thanks girlies. I think we all have pink in common! Lol
Ive only seen a small (well normal sized) bag in next its the tan tote bag for £26. What do you think and have you seen anymore? I dont pay a fortune for bags as i change them sooooooo much.
BF can bugger off. Bet mr next would tell people about me ;)
oh yeah she text me last night asking if he would go and deliver some hairdressing fliers for her. i told her to stop being a lazy cow and do it herself/ what with her and ex last night i was fed up and no wonder im in such a bad mood!