Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

B - poached eggs
L - burgers and salad and curry mayo
D - steak in peppercorn sauce (i think never made it before) with my greens :)
s - nothing
w - lots and coffee
a - depends how much grief i get off ex today :(
ex - done 100 leg masters, shake weight and 10 min roll stepper. will do 15-20 min lateral trainer later and maybe a go on the wii.

got bloomin totm (again!) and seriously murderous. slept pants due to lots of stupid texts off my ex ref divorce. what a t**t. honestly cant believe him. dogs did my head in in bed last night too. got no patience today.
always get ratty with pmt and think i have no time to do anything like clean house properly etc etc. raaaaaaaaaa
sorry :(
Oh Vicky :gen126:.
That was me pre- pill TOTM, period then TOTM again and no time to feel bleeding normal.
Anyway I was coming onto your diary to say it should read "I actually am thin" cos you are!
Hope your day improves just think of all the positives - lovely bf, losing weight, started running, feeling (and being) thin etc etc :D
thanks honey xxxxx lovely BF - well yes :) running yes :) just wish i didnt have stupid curly hair so wouldnt mind going out in rain!!!
and i have wonderful friends on here - I swear you all keep me sane sometimes - its been nearly a year since i started on here and I love you all xxxxx
Sane?????? Lmfao!
Morning all how are we all doing today?
Has anyone watched that fat families? OMG! I saw it last night and can feel the motivation coming back. Will get birthday week out the way and get back on the band wagon.
Keep having really really vivid dreams. Last night Linzi was a mini mini! I'll post it on here but will post it on her thread first
Has anyone watched that fat families? OMG! I saw it last night and can feel the motivation coming back
spooky. you know what when i got your text this morning i thought omg she must have been watching fat families!
yes i watch it all the time I love it. Didnt she do well. !!!

Cheryl birthday/xmas list -
some lovely perfume
posh leather gloves
vicky to move next door and the dog tunnel :D
Oh poor you Vicky. I had to cave in over a few things to get my divorce through but it was worth it to get it done. I got my own back by holding up the absolute so that he couldn't get married in Thailand haha ;)
Nice one! Im not caving in over anything. if he threatens re house (was mine in the first place and he never contributed) ill threaten with his army pension. he is such a tit was saying he had the papers with him there but hadnt put grounds for divorce down. I swear im never ever getting married again.
Only to me right????? Pmsl
I wonder if they wear Gok pants at the end though hun. The one i saw was huge but lost loads and the belly didnt bulge anywhere and you could see she couldnt walk properly as her legs were still big.
Anyway if it brings my motivation back then bring it on as im not doing gok pants.........not very sexy!!!!
I do have purple leather gloves on the list actually and that caramel poncho with the grey jumper you brought (like she is wearing in the photo). Still stuck for ideas. I want some more angel but id rather he just got my bottle refilled as no point in spending all that money on more packaging.
Thanks flutter but much worse things than my probs too! cheryl you copy cat - that poncho is out of stock until next week i think - but i have the black one already and the jumpers are lovely :D
can you get the bottles refilled?

Yes ref fat families would be better to see them in their underwear again to see like you do at the start!
got bloomin totm (again!) and seriously murderous. slept pants due to lots of stupid texts off my ex ref divorce. what a t**t. honestly cant believe him. dogs did my head in in bed last night too. got no patience today.
always get ratty with pmt and think i have no time to do anything like clean house properly etc etc. raaaaaaaaaa
sorry :(

Oh bless you hun...

thanks honey xxxxx lovely BF - well yes :) running yes :) just wish i didnt have stupid curly hair so wouldnt mind going out in rain!!!
and i have wonderful friends on here - I swear you all keep me sane sometimes - its been nearly a year since i started on here and I love you all xxxxx

Wow is it really nearly a year... you've got more posts than me & i've been on here forever!

Sane?????? Lmfao!
Morning all how are we all doing today?
Has anyone watched that fat families? OMG! I saw it last night and can feel the motivation coming back. Will get birthday week out the way and get back on the band wagon.
Keep having really really vivid dreams. Last night Linzi was a mini mini! I'll post it on here but will post it on her thread first

Love you!

spooky. you know what when i got your text this morning i thought omg she must have been watching fat families!
yes i watch it all the time I love it. Didnt she do well. !!!

Cheryl birthday/xmas list -
some lovely perfume
posh leather gloves
vicky to move next door and the dog tunnel :D

Yes move down here V... xx

Nice one! Im not caving in over anything. if he threatens re house (was mine in the first place and he never contributed) ill threaten with his army pension. he is such a tit was saying he had the papers with him there but hadnt put grounds for divorce down. I swear im never ever getting married again.

Such a shame that it all has to end so horribly babes... just not fair for such a lovely lady x

Only to me right????? Pmsl
I wonder if they wear Gok pants at the end though hun. The one i saw was huge but lost loads and the belly didnt bulge anywhere and you could see she couldnt walk properly as her legs were still big.
Anyway if it brings my motivation back then bring it on as im not doing gok pants.........not very sexy!!!!
I do have purple leather gloves on the list actually and that caramel poncho with the grey jumper you brought (like she is wearing in the photo). Still stuck for ideas. I want some more angel but id rather he just got my bottle refilled as no point in spending all that money on more packaging.

Oooh gloves & poncho sound lovely. x
Well Mark wont order online its what he finds in the shop! Yes the bottles are refillable but i dont know where i can get it done
yep i'm not a newbie :) i'm an oldie but a goodie dukanette lol :D....lmao

daft mood here today owing to lack of sleep....

i'm swinging between stupidity and being as crabby as a crabby thing....

raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa back at ya vicky :) we'd make a right pair today....just set me on your ex....i feel like ripping someone's head off today (i'm not good without sleep:eek:) x
erm..... think I'll steer clear of this thread today then. :bolt:
Well if Sarahs ranting so am i too! Close your ears Jim (and ste if your lurking!) Ive not had a proper period since i lost baby in aug. The last few days my nipples have become really sore. Last night i developed a terrible headache that made me feel sick so i went to bed thinking it was the start of a migraine and woke with it again this morning. I even resorted to doing a test last night but that was neg. I wasnt to know where my body is at so i can get back to normal and get back on a diet again.
Rant over, ;0)