Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Well...........Now i know how much my girlie likes a glass of wine or woo woo or 2 but i think you should wait and get Matty to buy you a bottle of bubbly at the weekend. Its lower in cals!
not even one glass to celebrate ? its been an emotional day? and ill do my exercise first?
oh no dont want bubbly :( you all meanies :(
Came down and i'll make you a woo woo. Lol. Of course you can hun. We have 2 lots of news we need to celebrate now!
i going food shopping after work anyway. will get one of those one glass bottles. I know its naughty :S
it will be a dry one :D and a low alcohol one at that but i really am so pleased i neeed to celebrate lmao. i might not fancy it after my exercise anyway!!!!
probably :D ill be on my stepper with my glass of wine :D
well today have done :- 150 thigh masters, 90 sit ups :D, 30 mins step, 7 mins arm weights dumbbells and 15 min walk :D bout 55 mins in total :D
:D naughty me. having a glass now. ive had so much stress today...well its no excuse. im a p*ss head and proud lmao
will do babe. it will be only the one though. off to shower now and pjs :D after my wi lol
I so wish i could join you! Ive had a horrible day, i hate work and i think its going to get worse before it gets better.
Vic, your a good girl, your turning into our Linz with all the exercise
thanks babe. oh i do hope they sort something out.

did 5 mins on stepper this morning to get the old metabolism going :D
might go on wii fit later or then again might do some more stepper even though supposed to my day off but im not promising ill do either :D

need the fairy tonight please girls :D had a good try on last night and lots more fit...but not all.
I have put the size 10 trousers into the charity bag, i wont get into them without looking wrong (im very small on top and have a large bottom) so im stopping at my goal :D
Thats a fantastic decision to make babe. Most of us know how small we used to be and aim for that. I think its hard to admit we will never be that size again to ourselves. All of my clothes i was aiming for are now waiting to go in the loft and ive got rid of loads more. Id love to be this size again after the baby, well a little bit smaller as im in between sizes at mo.
thanks babe. I truly think when i got to 9 1/2 stone last time i could have kept going. but i couldnt keep the weight off without really hard exercise (at least an hour if not more per day) its just not workable TBH.
You will get back down after baby. we are all here to help , and whipass!!!!!