Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

oh forgot to say I have on my desk some homegrown freshly picked potatoes. I couldnt say i didnt want them as my boss had dug them up for me last night. Ill give them to mummy :D
Ewwww. Pickled potatos, they dont sound right. Lol
Is that his way of saying he's glad your staying!!!
You'd better be here when i come back properly, im gonna need you more than ever then to whipass (is steve about, he'll be grinning from ear to ear now!)
where does it says pickled? you are pickled lmao

i think so cheryl ;)

Yes ste will probably on later to check on you :D
no no hope for you toady ;) sorry babes in daft mood here x
I will be later if and when this sickness goes away. Right off to the drs now. Speak later. xx
ok babe. let me know. good luck xxxx
Ok so she said she will write me a letter if things get bad a work and has given me my 1st appt with the midwife for 3rd aug. blood pressure was 106/76 which is normal for me.
well lets see what happens tomorrow babe xxx
Well ive had a long hard think! I applied for CTA (clinical telephone advise) so that if it ever moved closer i could come off the road and go there. I would have to do 3mths training in london to do that though. I sat the exams and interviews and passed but it cost too much to get to london every shift. Now they want to send me, i might agree for 3mths (so im qualified for if the office ever moves) IF they pay my extra costs AND i travel in their time and not my own. I dont think thats unfair do you? Then i will tell them that i am coming back to the office when Laura has her baby in Oct as there will be space for me then!
I think thats a great idea. You have done the exams etc you might as well put them to use. and if it does move closer you will have the experience there already to transfer. good thinking x
oooh Cheryl - I read about your job this morning, then got disturbed and "forgot" (aaaah wait until you're my age!!)... this sounds like a good idea!

And Vicky - you're really doing amazingly and you're sounding ever so healthy now (booze and fags aside!! haha!!)...
lol thanks Jo x
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tired :( this is when i dont want to even think about exercise!! lets just hope when i get home i have some energy!!!!
right im offski, home via the shop....and NOT buy anything naughty. Im only going for soap LOL
35 mins step :D 100 sit ups and 160 leg masters :D might do another dog walk later too. it was a struggle getting motivated but ive done it!
You rock lady!! xx
thanks sweetheart!
wow i get tired just reading about ur exercise!! uv become some kinda weird!! lolz its all good thou!! ur gona reap the benfits when ur super toned up!!! i went gym yesterday and worked a good hour in there!! They fixed cross trainer and now i had to work 30 mins only to burn 100 cals!! and usually i can get 200 out of that!! hmm they made it tooo tight! treadmill for 20 mins!! and some good stretches!