Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

oooh I see what you mean... errr YES I do have one... and I used it when we did our car boot sale to stash our hard earned loot in!!
its not a bad idea though really.great if dog walking
But why would you need one when jumping around like a loon??
No idea? TBH (and this is NOT to be followed) I always seem to lose more (the 3lb week) when Ive had naughties the previous weekend.
Cant blame TOTM either.

Have had horrid nights sleep and totm came this morning early 1 week early!!! and bit of a bad stomach!!!

AND am aching from davina!!!!

plan today some step plus the warm up and leg workout of Davina and some sit ups and my fab shake weight :)

This could be due to something I read on the low carb and body building forums...

Something to do with Leptin levels... apparently if your calories/carbs fluctuate (in fact some even have a treat meal) during this sort of diet, it sorta kicks your body into the next level.... obviously this deviates from not advisable...but could explain vicky's 3lb loss...

hope this helps xx
Linz for your towel to mop up the sweat???right my girls ive done 55 mins exercise. 20 mins step 70 sit ups and shake weight and davina evi leg workout. and bloody lodger was laughing at me. silly cow. i said i want to be thin and toned. :D
yes silly cow!!!! im so proud of myself. i started off couple of pounds heavier than her and now im a stone lighter!
thanks babe. ive only felt thinner last couple of weeks :D
wont be long babe :D
Morning :) i am aching all over. even hurt to push the clutch down this morning. bloody davina lol.
and ive put 2 lbs on???? eh????? going to drink more water today see if that helps. bit miffed tbh.
morning gorgeous. Im tired lol. not sleeping worrying about hannah... and she fell off the bed last night :( so maybe its time for her and the others to sleep downstairs. yes they will wake me at 6am but they could come back to bed for hour then???

how are you? excited bout hols??

thanks for the advice hon. when will this stop happening? im having night off tomorrow night but will be exercising again thursday before WI
Ive had a google and it says couple of days to go. Oh well my measurements are going down and if i have a gain this week ill know its muscle ;) still want a loss though.
so whats the plans for this party? you are a busy lady x
Ahh poor hannah, at least its only a few weeks though! I was up 5 times last night for the loo and im not even showing yet! It was quite funny at the wedding reception on sat a friend from work came over and said congrats and touched my tummy (this infuriates me unless very close friends!), then suddenly took her hand away and said wheres it gone. I explained im only really early and she said to me "but its gone, i mean your skinny, your belly has gone". Of course i hugged her and couldnt stop smiling, 6wks preggers and being told im skinny..........Loved it
Also Dukan is a fervent admirer of sleeeeep - something I've always thought strange because I sleep far less now than when I was big...

Daily weighing is great in attack, but really isn't so good as things progress. So many things can affect our weight - cycle, transit, water retention, salty food... so I'm finding sporadic weighing "kinder" on my psyche