Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

hey cheryl im ok ta ,i thought that too ,but im glad coz i fly out on sunday afternoon yessssssssssss .......
ah lucky you Jet x
lucky and dreading lol diet wise that is ...........
dont worry. Eat what you like as long as you have your plan ready for when you come home.
Thanks Vicky hun, im looking into it and will probably buy one. I cant lose weight now but that might help tone me up a bit
exactly. and it keeps you moving :D

on another note..i think i have pulled a muscle in my calf lol. it hurts when i walk and now i walk even more like a retard than usual. im doing loads of stretches to ease it off..
It was that jumping round the living room yesterday!. so if still bad when i get in ill do the body pump instead of the leg section of davina!
by the way ladies, not AT ALL strange to find your cycle all over the place... something quite a few have found on the French site I frequent!

So a normal abnormality!
I'm good at the cooling off bit... in fact the last time I tried my Mr Motivator tape (yes yes I'm so 1990s!!), I had to lie down after the warm up (I kid you not!!)
OMG Jo i have that!!! but i cant stop laughing :D
and Cheryl. I did warm up on the stepper..cooling...maybe not :(
lmfao cheryl. bum bag and big hair, shoulder pads, cycling shorts!!!
Rolls her eyes, your meant to cool down to hun!
NO! Do not mention fashion faux pas i think its called??
i have this outfit for when im doing the dvd ;)

yep and the tache ;)
haaaaa! I think he's brilliant!! (He knows whenever I stop or am not doing it right!!). I have leggings and leotard... in my cupboard (fear not - they've not been put on in yonks!!)...

Bum bag - I don't think I have one cos I don't know what one is!!

Big hair - yes I used to have that! Shoulder pads too! I'm 46 so that's my era! Dynasty! Dallas!

Silly grin I can do... and don't blame him either for us, given how much he must have raked in!!
a bum bag??? really??? he is wearing one in the piccie :D