Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

YAYE! Well done hun, glad it's out - the things we go through, eh?

I've done sfa today - the dishes, that's about it, and feeding the cat, who eats three times her body size lol. It's so long since I've had a cat, not sure how much to give her. So far, it's two pouches a day, and then some crunchies - sound right? The neighbours put her out first thing and don't let her back in until 9-10pm, rotten really for a wee cat who just wants a bit of company...
aww its lovely you look after her Suze :) lazy days are good for you love xxx

yes feel ok - just been reading about Mirena Crash though....oh dear. LOL!!!
Yes I am really loving the thought of some time at home :)xxxx

Just googled the Mirena Crash, sounds awful! Let's hope it doesn't happen for you hun.

What flea treatment do you use for the girls? I've put a new flea collar on Shirley but she's still scratching away
omg is the cat called shirley? love it!!!
I use frontline not collars (although dont think you can get em for dogs anyway) you can get frontline for cats too its fab.

doesnt it sound awful. although im hoping that the coil put some weight on me so i might lose LOL
Here's the whoosh fairy for next week, hun, bet you lose 5lbs! I'll check Frontline out - it's obvious the owners aren't doing anything for her. Maybe I'll just kidnap her when I move aboard my boat....
LOl aww thanks Suze :) and yes i think you should . how come you are feeding her have you asked them?
No not yet, hun, they're hardly ever home :( I presume they leave food out inside their flat but Shirley can't get to it because they don't have a catflap - can't leave food outside because of the foxes (&*@!)
Hellooooooooo Vicky, are you settled in with Mr T now? Are the girls coping too? Finn has slept for 5 hours since we brought him back from kennels, think he spends 2 weeks barking!!!!!
Missed you loads, are you still going ok with not smoking too......omg so many questions...........
Hi Vicky:D hope you are having a great weekend;)
Morning Vicky :)
Hey Vicky and congratulations at getting rid (and I hope you're right about those 5lbs!!). Will google "mirena crash"!

Enjoy your Bank Holiday. Ours is Thursday! (so I've taken Friday and will be AWOL!)
hey all :)
cant say ive had the most atkins friendly weekend but Jeez the hormone crash going on right now is not so good. sat and sunday especially just couldnt stop crying. even listening to the radio set me off LOL.
House all passed over to tenant now so thats all done. No going back now.
Went to matalan yesterday and Tickle treated me to some clothes and found some gorgeous trousers but only size 14 no 12s . tried them on - wayyy too baggy (yey) so dragged him to another store to get me the 12s LOL.
Not feeling particularly happy with my weight or myself at the moment but one thing at a time as i the last couple of weeks i have

been going through final stages of divorce
moving home
given up smoking
having hormone crash

so...ill be good re dieting but not shoot myself down too much if im not 100% (away to leeds with my friends at the weekend).
Not drinking this week either (until saturday)

er, have found an issue with low carb and not smoking...friday night went to the dogs, was fine sitting inside, as soon as i got outside i cant remember anything at all. OOps.

B - frikadellen
L - lettuce, cucumber, baby plum toms, spring onions, jalapeno coleslaw and chicken (possibly extra mayo or habanero sauce)
D - sirloin with green beans and bearnaise
s - variety of possibilities
a - nope
w - yes lots and black coffees
ex - dog walk this evening

sorry for mumbling/bumbling on just loads to say and minmd working overload.

Bren lovely to have you back and...

I have been quit for 1 Month, 1 Week, 6 Days, 11 hours, 21 minutes and 12 seconds (43 days). I have saved £296.04 by not smoking 869 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Days and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 17/04/2011 22:00

Jo - ooh nice long weekend for you x
Morning Vicky, you have so much going on in your life and you're doing so well.
Thanks Jim - what will i do when its all calmed down lol
ah well, I'm sure you'll enjoy some quality time with Mr Tickle :)
I will and get into some more of a routine :D