warning this thread contains self pity!!


Silver Member
hi all just thought I'd make a thread about how I'm feeling to see if anyone else can relate, I'm feeling so low atm about my weight I feel awful disgusting slobby and I can't fit into any of my clothes. the thing is no one seems to understand that I'm feeling this low and rubbish about myself, I've tried to speak to hubby, sister, mother and they just tell me to wipe away the tears and stop pitying, this is infact a lot easier said than done. no one seems to help either, I'm trying my hardest to stick with my healthy eating plan (pro points) and it seems everyone around me is trying to jeopardise this. like tonight for example my sis and husband are having a few drinks and no doubt will end up having cheesy chips, knowing full well I ant really drink or have cheesy chips, I don't know if it's me being selfish or them!! finding this soo hard just want to be skinny and back to the old jenn jenn. sorry to go on so much blah blah blah thanks for listening. any advice would be majority appreciated xoxox
Oh Jen, I so can empathise with this one :)

My friend has been on A meal replacement plan for a year. I have only just started back on ww. She is beginning to lose motivation and I am very motivated. When ever I see her she wants to do a naughty lunch -pizza, chips, kebab etc. and it always goes ...' If I'm gonna be naughty , you have to be naughty too, pleeeease.' Then if I say no its 'Sarah said no to a nice lunch everyone so now I'll just be having a shake :() then sulks till I give in and feel horrible eating rubbish, or don't give in and feel bad because she hasn't got her way and will sulk!

Then there's my other half who likes to feed me lol. He'll say oh you must try this or you need more pasta than that or that's full of rubbish ( it'll be a ww or diet choc bar etc) you should have a real bar of chocolate *rolls eyes*

My mum will visit and always bring my favourite shortbread biscuits plus a fridge full of rubbish!

Oh I could go on .. Lol.

I totally understand what you are saying. I have no advice but to say 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' (except ferrero Roche IMO lol). So stay strong and perhaps talk to your other half and sister and see if they will change their snacks into something you can have too?

Sarah x
Have you had any "non scale victories" yet? even if you haven't dropped a dress size, does your current size fit better than right at the very beginning of all of this?

My friends and I went out for a girls night a few months back, my friend had been doing WW and had basically reached her goal; when we saw her looked amazing, and she alternated any alcoholic drink (diet coke with x) with non-alcoholic beer/lager (something like 1PP a bottle i think). It's not a case of you "can't" have, I know what you're getting at though - it's points down the drain. But that's what this is all about, thinking before we open our mouths and mindlessly consume (me + packet of biscuits = gone without noticing). Go the chippy, but have a little cone of chips - won't be half as bad as a full portion and you won't feel diddled! Have summat proper when you get in (or eat before you go). Don't put too much pressure on yourself either, there is nothing to gain from doing that. I'm being a total hypocrite with that last sentence, because I too have sat and sulked that nothing fits, i look huge and all the rest of it, but really, when I think about it, if i don't lose a pound one week, what is it in the grand scheme of things? As long as you are on a general downward trend, you will get there :)
I hope this sounds supportive, it's not meant to sound horrid :S Have you set yourself smaller goals? Are you going to reward yourself when you meet them? Is it worth getting some clothes that are inexpensive that fit you nicely (ignore the labels) so you don't feel like nothing fits? I agree with Charjoelily about "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" - if I'm about to eat something that isn't the best for me, i think if i could eat this or get closer to my this week, what would make me happier? Sometimes I compromise and have a little nibble (that i track!) and put that bit more of an effort in the walk from the car park to work ;)
I think it's a common thing to feel sorry fir yourself when you want to lose weight but don't wang to give up foods you love, I don't think many if us embrace change and if you've been eating junk food fir a long time it's going to be a hard cycle to break especially if you eat it for comfort rather than convenience.

No one is forcing anyone to be on a diet so to look to others to make you successful is a one way trip to failure, you have to find the will power to want to stick to it cis there will always be someone somewhere eating a pizza/chips etc when your trying to be good. You can't expect everyone else to be on a diet because you are, that's not fair either. Perhaps you could cook some diet friendly food when you have friends over? And just say you'd like to cook for them you don't have to tell them it's diet food, and I'm sure they'll appreciate the gesture of you cooking. Make a low fat pud too. You can't change how other people behave but you can change how you react. At the end of the day, it's only food. :) x
focus on what you want, ignore the rest round you. (easier said than done i know)

look at photos of the old you, stick them round.

im doing this for ivf, and have lots of bad, i just have to think of the end result.

keep going hunny.

s, your pic is beautiful x
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