

Ok, heres the thing. How does drinking water help you lose weight?

Until now, I have drank Coffee and Diet Coke. Dont get me wrong, although I am still losing weight I question if I would lose more with drinking water.

What do you guys think?
The fluids - water, coffee, diet coke, tea, etc - keep you healthy while you lose weight. They help your kidneys deal with the high level of protein, they help your digestive track deal with the change in the material passing through you, to ease constipation. They counteract the diuretic effect of protein and prevent dehydration and all the dangers that implies.

It doesn't have to be water - but water is free, and safe, and easily available, even when you can't get your hands on tea of coffee, so it by far the best choice for most people to top up the intake to 2 litres a day.
Like the good Dr says....a housewife wouldn't wash her dishes and not rinse. Its a rinse effect getting rid of all the excess. Plus water makes your toilet habits easier on protein filled diets.
When I first started cruise I didn't really drink that much water but LOADS of diet coke, and I've found that I feel better and healthier when I've started drinking more water. Also coffee can be v dehydrating! xx