Week 1 weigh in


I had my week one weigh in today ( I'm on day 6 started last Sunday ) and I feel a little disappointed. I lost 6 3/4 lbs which is good in a week but I thought this week was the biggest weight loss. I have done everything right . I did Cambridge couple of years ago and lost 9lb the first week feel bad for moaning but was really hoping for more :sigh:

It really depends on the person, my week one I lost loads but then week two was only 2lb! I was so annoyed. I had no idea what I had done wrong. I felt like I had fialed alright. But then I thought about it, if I was not on cainbridge I would not have lost anything. Maybe i could have lost 2lb in one week while not on cambridge, but does it matter. Any steps in the right direction are good ones!
almost 7lb in your first week is awesome a fantastic start. I have seen anything from 4lb to 12lb in the first week. Keep it up, your getting there and doing well.

Don't get too hung up on the numbers, its going the right way that is the important part. Too fast is its not so healthy anyway.

I would also not compaire this time to last time on cambridge, because our body changes as we get older, and one of the things that is harder is weight loss.

I can understand why you are disapointed, but chin up that is really good!
good luck for next week :)
I have my first weigh in tomorrow and I have to admit its something I am worried about. I have stuck to ss 100% but honestly its been an awful week! My motivation for continuing onto the second week is if I have a good loss. If not I'm so worried that I'll cave because it's not worth the money/hassle for a small loss. Fingers crossed its ok, and fingers crossed you have a better second week jobuck!
Aw thanks fire lass that was a great pep talk feeling more motivated ! Thanks highlandangela hoping for a better week 2 please let me know how you get on I will have everything crossed for you x
People are different. But someone once told me I should look at the average monthly loss rather than weekly. If I do that, I've lost a stone a month even though some weeks I've only lost a few lbs. I didn't lose that much in my first week. But stick with it and the weight comes off!

Well I went to my cunsultant last night and lost 6lbs I was bitterly disappointed and threw a bit of a wobbler. So she told me to come back this morning as there can be a huge difference between a morning weight and an evening weight (starting weight was taken in the morning) and I'm acually 9lbs down exactly a week after starting the diet!

Is that something that might be similar to you jobuck? Were you weighed at roughly the same time? Also remember that starting weight probably won't include the gallons of water we are now drinking so that might add a few pounds. Plus - sorry to be a bit gross - are you fairly regular in thetoilet department? Because constipation is a side effect so if you haven't been to the toilet in a while that might be a few pounds too.

But first week done, here's to second week sucess!!
I was the same, only lost 6 in my first week, and was so disappointed!!! However just had my second weigh in this morning and lost 5lb. So that's 11lb over 2 weeks, which I think is darn good

Keep going, and I'm sure you'll see good results next week too xxx
Hi highlandangela yes I was weighed at 6.30 pm so might be same and yes same in toilet department too . That has made me feel bit better xx