Week 10 weigh in....


Full Member
Well after staying the same last week, which was ok but slightly disappointing I lost 3lbs this week so I'm happy. I have found myself telling people I'm at my goal and don't want to loose any more which isn't true but it keeps people off my case. Getting frustrated now with people's questioning minds and finding myself justifying my weight loss. I want to loose another 10lbs or so but I won't know until I get there so I guess I'll keep going til then.

Recently I've had two friends who have started again who both did Lighterlife about 3/4 years ago and have seen my weight loss and have been inspired which is good and gone onto Exante.

I'm sat here wearing a skirt for work which I haven't worn for 3 years and feeling good about myself so life is rather great at the moment. :princess:
Welldone for this week and remember you dont have to justify your losses to anybody as it happens so much that people have weeks where they stay the same and have no loss at all. Also I now the feeling about fitting into the smaller clothes so you must have been so happy and more confident.
Well done hun :) xx
Well done great loss!
Well done. Good loss x