week 3 weigh in


weighs a lot less
want for the dreaded week 3 weigh and was pleasantly suprised , ive lost another 4 1/2 lbs , thats 21lbs in 3 weeks , i didnt think i would have lost that much because week 3 usually isnt a good one , i took my measurments before i went and have lost 8 inches too . All that struggling over the easter weekend paid off and mr easter bunny you can keep them eggs !!!!;)
Well done you!!! Am thinking of going back to LT myself, have put back on just over a stone of what I lost before... dread the thought though. Great to see you back on here so if I do, I will have my old pal xx
well done thats brill.
Ah thanks, its about making that decision though eh? Keep telling myself I could lose it on ww or something but I know what I am like! Feeling now that I will go this afternoon to the chemist!!! You are my inspiration!! xx
well done lillie on your loss, 21lbs in 3 weeks is excellent :)
Great loss, well done :) x
Great loss, well done :) x

You look lovely on your photo, how amazing, what a difference 4 stones make to a person, not only to their confidence but general health too. Look after your self:D