Step 1 Sole Source + Week 3......


Full Member
Hey everyone been on plus since last Monday! I got weighed last Wednesday (wk2) lost 7lb! Had a sneaky weigh in today and only lost 1lb since Wednesday! I get weighed again on wednesday and an terrified of a low loss! I'd be soooo disappointed in 1-2lb! :-/ any advise?! X
It's swings and roundabouts.... you have had amazing losses, so you may have a slightly lower loss this week, but it all works out in the end. Stick with it, sometimes there are weeks where you lose less (although eating the same, but generally you will lose more the next week). Also try measuring, sometimes the scales may not show much of a loss, but you will have lost inches.
Sometimes weeks are lower than others, but if you stick with it you will be ok.
Chlo and Kes are right.

I recently dug out my original card from the first time I did SS (when I started that first time I weighed 17st 13lbs). The weekly results made for interesting reading. I didn't remember this before, but in the first 15 weeks, despite doing the diet 100% there were three weeks where I 'only' lost 2lbs, two weeks where I only lost a pound and one week where I lost nothing at all! So there you go. And yet:

In 6 weeks I lost 2st
By 12 weeks I'd lost 3st
By 16 weeks I'd lost 4st and
By 21 weeks I'd lost 5st

Don't be despondent over lower losses. They will happen, you haven't done anything wrong, it's just how the human body works.