Week 7 WI


Silver Member
Went today for my wk 7 WI. As I go every 2 wks, I was looking forward to a good one cos in all honesty im feeling great and really slim. It was 4 days early granted but I lost 5 flippin lbs :mad: I was well angry, I have NEVER cheated on this diet and came out thinking wot the f*** am I paying this money for. Then I talked myself around, worked out thats 1/2 lb a day, gave myself a slap and realised I only have less than a stone to go, healthy bmi of 23 and its prob just all fat, no water now. So in conclusion, a loss is a loss, no matter how small and this diet is the best out there. Im just greedy after 2 good losses at the beginning. I am smiling again and have looked at other peoples loss and we all have a blip somewhere along the line. I am now feeling totally positive and STILL luvvin this Lipotrain! Good luck to everyone this wk and stick to it no matter what the scales say, cos hey, its gotta come off sometime....jsut keep swimming x
Soz about the essay! x
Well done CC that's great - 5lbs in 10 days is great.

well done!!! :D
Well done pet and a great attitude xxxx
Fab, fab, bloody fab!!!! Not long to go now
well done :)
Thankyou guys....youre all complete stars and I luv ya all xxxxxx
well done hun :) you should be proud of yaself for being a star!! xx
well done that is really good keep going
well done!

Went today for my wk 7 WI. As I go every 2 wks, I was looking forward to a good one cos in all honesty im feeling great and really slim. It was 4 days early granted but I lost 5 flippin lbs :mad: I was well angry, I have NEVER cheated on this diet and came out thinking wot the f*** am I paying this money for. Then I talked myself around, worked out thats 1/2 lb a day, gave myself a slap and realised I only have less than a stone to go, healthy bmi of 23 and its prob just all fat, no water now. So in conclusion, a loss is a loss, no matter how small and this diet is the best out there. Im just greedy after 2 good losses at the beginning. I am smiling again and have looked at other peoples loss and we all have a blip somewhere along the line. I am now feeling totally positive and STILL luvvin this Lipotrain! Good luck to everyone this wk and stick to it no matter what the scales say, cos hey, its gotta come off sometime....jsut keep swimming x
Soz about the essay! x

31 pounds in 6.5 weeks is pretty awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe u even felt bad about that for 1 second! lol Glad u quickly talked urself around! So ur BMI is only 23? WOW - thats fantastic losses for someone who is already in the healthy range! Your really doing so well! I think I have done well but ur kicking my ass biatch! lol xox
I am indeed, that ass kicking biatch<<<<insert karate chop here!!!!lol (only by 2lbs tho)

I am indeed, that ass kicking biatch<<<<insert karate chop here!!!!lol (only by 2lbs tho)

Your skinnier than me at BMI 23 AND you have lost more weight than me - AND you got pi55ed off!!!

WANNA FIGHT? HIIIII YAAAAA - FIGHT ME (while moving lips out of sync!) :)

You cant fight the master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go practice your wax on, wax off lol x