Weigh in week 10

well done sweety x
3stone and 5lb, I did refeed before Christmas and had a few days off. I restarted on 28th of december. I have had a really positive experience on this diet. I feel a hundred times better, my heartburn stopped on day 1 and I can see a real difference in my appearance. How are you finding it?
That's a brilliant weight loss Leah!

I'm finding it surprisingly ok! I think I'm just in the zone this time. I was so ashamed of myself getting to 24 stone that I came to LT in desperation. Thinking of myself as an addict and thinking that hunger pangs will pass (just like craving for nicotine do for a smoker) has really helped. In the past i've focused on how long I'd have to do on a diet in order to loose enough weight. i then got discouraged and gave up.

This time I'm focussing on breaking habits and strengthening my self control muscle so that I don't ever get myself in this state again! And that different perspective has really helped. I was talking to my hubby this morning about the time he packed in smoking. He used to smoke 40+ a day and even though he was diagnosed with emphysema 20 years ago, always failed to pack in. But 9 years ago he successfully quit. I've never really asked him about it in any depth before because I was ashamed that I couldn't quit my addiction.

He said that for the first 10 weeks the cravings were terrible and he could have caved at any minute. Here's me in the past giving up after two weeks cos I was unhappy the cravings hadn't passed! Even now he says he has moments of craving where the easy thing to do would to light up a cig. So if he can get through that, I can sure address my cravings too!

Fortunately his emphysema was very slow growing and his lung capacity is still pretty much in line with a man of his age. Mind you I also think that's because he has a very physical job so his fitness levels are great for a 50 years old!!

oops! Sorry for hi-jacking your thread, when you've done so well. Keep it up, you're an inspiration!
leahcnnr said:
3stone and 5lb, I did refeed before Christmas and had a few days off. I restarted on 28th of december. I have had a really positive experience on this diet. I feel a hundred times better, my heartburn stopped on day 1 and I can see a real difference in my appearance. How are you finding it?

You're only 2lb off my target weight loss! Fantastic job to do it in 10 weeks

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Thanks ladies.
Dusty I felt exactly like you - I had reached my lowest ebb were my weight was concerned and needed something drastic. I'm glad your hubby was able to stall his emphysema as well. Good luck with your slimming:)