Weigh to go............


Full Member
Pardon the pun but in truth I have some way to go!
I've read some amazing, inspiring stories on the site and there's such a sense of support, I can only hope eventually to have my own weight loss story to share. This is the beginning though and I'm a long way from the end so here goes....
How did this happen - I've had periods of being slim(ish) but always struggled I'm at the upper end of the scale (literally) at the moment.
So many embarrassing moments over the years, bruised hips from too tight chairs, the struggle with the plane seat belts, trying to make myself smaller faced with sharing seats on trains and always avoiding photos - I'm always the one taking the photo or holding the coats. I've sweated, puffed and panted on some lovely holidays and despite sweltering temperatures have avoided sleeveless tops anywhere other than in bed for over 20 years :(
I'm 53 :eek: and in the last couple of years have had a few health issues the worst part of which has included the embarrassment of my weight - everything from fearing I wouldn't fit in a scanner, to having to sit in the chair weigh scales as they clank the weights to the worry that others would read my notes and see exactly how many kgs were me!
A good friend lost 12 stone last year with a gastric by-pass but I've had problems with blood clots and take medication for that - I'm not a good candidate and would be a bit scared I think. I also have hypothyroidism have been told I'm 'insulin resistant' so life isn't without its challenges but I don't want to make excuses.
So January 2012 finally faced up to the truth and took myself off to Slimming World - week 1 weight loss 1.5 lb when all around were losing 4 - 7 lbs :sigh: but I've carried on regardless although if I'm really honest I'm not totally in the groove with the plan. I'm also a bit confused as if you look on GI plans which are supposed to help insulin resistance much of the advice is contrary to SW especially on the fruit/pasta front.
So here we go - we have family wedding in June and it would be nice not to be the one at the back of the crowd or behind a tree when it comes to the photos or to be wearing a cardie if the sun is cracking the flags!
Thanks for taking the time to read - help, advice and words of inspiration are welcome- it's time for me to be a participant not a passenger.

Hi Sue

Are you going to continue with SW or will you give low GI a shot? I know what you mean about sweating on hot days and holding the coats. My horror is when the wind is blowing towards me and my clothes and outlines my figure (or lack of)!

Good luck with whatever you decide!

Pomooky xxx
I don't really know.....
Honestly I don't eat lots although I look like I've lived a life based on pies, pastry and cakes, have been guilty of some poor choices but I don't have a very bad relationship with food - just got to do better! x
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Weigh in tonight (missed last week) 2.5lb making a total of 4 in 3 weeks which is pants really given the long road that lies ahead.
I know it's best to lose steadily but I'm the 'slowest loser' - don't think there's a TV show waiting to be made around it though lol! So what do I do now stick with it in the hope that things suddenly change - I definitely could do more on the exercise front but need to think that I can make more of an impression soon - words of wisdom welcome x