Weight loss advice


New Member
Hi everyone,

This is my first post, so I was wondering what would you say is the thing that made all the difference to you losing weight?? :) or have you any tips that really worked for you??

I'd love to here them and put them to use, thanks in advance!
hi welcome ,i have just joined today also

Check out your portion sizes and start a steady exercise program even if you can only do 5 min build up from there..

Try and just eat healthy and diet without thinking about constantly being on a diet

Eat a healthy breakfast as soon a possible from waking up to start your metab.. off

Try and eat somthing healthy every 3 hrs max even if its just fruit

If you feel hungry drink a glass of water 1st then if you still feel hungry 5min later have something to eat , because in the brain the feeling of being thirsty and hungry are the same .....try it..