weight loss has slowed right down a stone from target :(

Nor me.

We all adapt plans to suit us but often the real plan isn't followed, people put their own spin on things!
I also struggled as I got closer to target, and what kick started me was a week of Success Express. I also made sure I only ate when hungry and not just out of habit. The last stone can be a real slog, so good luck!!
You say you don't know what you can change as you already eat healthily but changing your meals doesn't mean you can't still eat healthily, just means to try different things. Sometimes we tend to eat the same foods because they work for us.

Going back to portion sizes, I definitely have to lessen my meal sizes the nearer I get to goal, I know my own body and this is what works for me. I guess its all about trial and error. I'm not saying you need to half starve yourself, far from it, but I can't eat the piles of food I could when I had more weight to lose!
My weightloss is slowing already! And I still have almost 2st to go. Where I was a consistant 2 - 2.5 lbs per week now I'm lucky for 1lb average! It's very disheartening but I know i'll get there in end I am determined, but I've had to accept this last stage may take longer than I'd initially planned! But every week I change something up, so a different breakfast each day (2 weeks ago) started 30 day shred again (last week), this week I've increased my water intake(should b to 3l but I couldn't swear to hitting that every day!) So we'll see. I read somewhere that once u find that one small change ur body reacts to, it will start shifting again! Next week I'm upping my superfree/superspeed component in each meal to at least 50%. It's not about changing the plan but just "tweaking" it a touch to change things up! Good luck please let me know how u get on!
hey, I'm a stone away from target (ideally aiming at 1 n half stones though) and im just finding it so hard to budge the final weight.

I've lost 5 stones so far and I've not really changed anything about my food choices but I haven't lost a single lb this week :(

I've started the 30 day shred today in the hope it will shift a bit of weight but has anybody got any other tips? my target of Halloween is looking very bleak right now!!

When you say you haven't lost a single lb this week is it only this week you haven't lost?

If you are wanting to freshen things up a bit I would do what others have suggested in trying new meals, different plans, extra superfree etc

I wouldn't think that cutting syns out would be necessary.

Starting exercise is good and will help with toning etc in the long run but it can for some actually seem to slow down losses at first.