Weight watcher/calories counting/think thin diet.

try changing your evening routines and habits for a while. Eating is an addiction and a way to break addictions is to change from the norm for a while so you make new patterns and learn new behaviours. Just for a while do things differently, to help your mind catch up!
try changing your evening routines and habits for a while. Eating is an addiction and a way to break addictions is to change from the norm for a while so you make new patterns and learn new behaviours. Just for a while do things differently, to help your mind catch up!

I'm going to give this a go. Going to see paloma faith tonight so no risk of nibbling tonight :)
Well I have had a fab day :)

I have gone 3 points over my daily but as today was wi to get restarted I still had all my weeklies. As it was my last day in school today I baked them a Bakewell tart, I had a slice at lunch after my soup but pointed it so despite it being unhealthy I was still okay :)

It just takes one good day for it to continue- I think that was today.

Just been to see paloma faith- she was amazing- she has inspired me to be thin- her outfit was amazing! Also got chatting to the woman next to us and she knew her! She was sent tickets by paloma to see her as she was the mum of her ex boyfriend who then went on to date Florence from Florence and the machine- I know I sort of put celebrities/musicians in a different league to myself and tonight I just thought she is just like everyone else. It was a nice thought.

How's everyone getting on?
Just an update on how things are.

I weighed in on Friday and I was 13st 8 but my scales are very dodgy so I aren't inclined to believe this.

I did well yesterday, I ate over my daily points but still massively within my weeklies. Was pleased that when I went out for tea I went for the healthiest option (salad no dressing), it's these small steps that will hopefully help me be in control of my eating :)

I have set my self the aim to be 13 stone by the beginning of march. I may have to go weigh myself in boots to check what my current weight is before I know how much there is to lose x
ahh your doing so well lucy!

Glad you had fun at paloma faith! I know what you mean about celebs, you dont really think of them as real people!
haha yes! I just wrote an epic post about it :p
Hey :)
Here to subscribe (thought I had already actually but it isn't showing in my list so I mustn't have.) Liking your diary :)
Had a very good eating day today.

Really fancied a pizza so got a ww one for 13 points and then I had sugar free jelly and ww ice cream for afters- was yum! Felt like a kid again. Do normally cook all my meals from scratch but feeling under the weather Today and have been so busy with uni work I went for convenience.

Also anybody out there own a kettle bell? I bought it specifically for my bingo wings and my bother showed me things to do with it but I can barely lift it with one arm!
Thank you for subscribing, how are you getting on with your weight loss?

Hope everyone's having a good start to the week x

I'm getting on okay although had a gain this week as I was ill last week - boooo.

Saw you got some kettlebells - I fancy one of those actually, keep seeing great things about them! x
im trying to stop myself from stuffing my face. wish I had a healthy pizza in!

I bought one, yet to try it yet. I got 5kg which is fine for me cos Im quite strong x
I'm getting on okay although had a gain this week as I was ill last week - boooo.

Saw you got some kettlebells - I fancy one of those actually, keep seeing great things about them! x

I fell off the wagon and had a huge gain but back to my ore binge weight now :)
Yeah I got it from asda but no idea what to do with it. I only bought one too so aren't sure if I was suppose to get 2 x
im trying to stop myself from stuffing my face. wish I had a healthy pizza in!

I bought one, yet to try it yet. I got 5kg which is fine for me cos Im quite strong x

Yeah mine is 5kg but I just aren't strong enough with the one arm. May have to build up my strength with my smaller weights x
What's the score when it's time of the month? I weighed myself yesterday and was okay. Weighed myself today and I was like WHAT? I thought the weight gain was before it started not when it started if that makes sense x
I have no idea, I havent had a period in years, all I know is that it totally screws you up! weigh when your done! x
Okay. Did okayish today. I had a breakfast bar this morning, a ww bagel, extra light and a slice of ham for lunch, ham salad for tea followed by cake. I ate all my weeklies at weekend so was naughty to have cake but showed restraint, my boyfriend finished it off!
Think totm had something to do with the choc craving!
Not a brilliant day today. Had a breakfast bar then went to las iguanas for lunch. Butternut squash enchilada. Had packet of Pom bears for tea and 2 toffee pops x
Well as you know I have been dipping in and out of ww for last few weeks. Lost a bit, gained a bit, lost again and I will have gained this week but that's it!
No more excuses, more planning, more control. Oh and more exercise.
Last wi I was 13st 8.6. Tomorrow I will wi and start afresh (probably at a heavier weight)
Got my 30 day shred DVD, my kettle bell and have signed up to Zumba.
The only thing that was stopping me up to now was me, I have supportive people around me and you guys have been brilliant.
It's time to feel fab inside and out!