Weird thing your parents used to say

I give you an inch and you take a bl**dy mile

Dont you raise them eyes to the ceiling lady!!

I wipe that smile to the other side of your face!

Eeh I was a naughty kid :)

Just you wait till your Father gets home lady - you will feel the wrath of his tongue
When asking 'whats for tea?' my mum would say 'tive tavel and tart' or 'a wigwam for a ducks bridel'... what the hell are they lol lol
If i was naughty she would say 'Do you want a smack?'... Err like i was going to say yes please lol lol

The worst thing is i find i say the same to my kids.Thats scary!!!!
my mum used to say when me and twin sister were being cheeky, ' one day you will have two girls who are as gobby as you and your sister and then youll relise how you wind me up' Guess what yep two girls and I say the same thing to them lol

If anything got broken or you did something and it wasnt quite right they always say 'dont worry we will put a wardrobe in front of it no one will know, we use this now when we do diy and we have a house full of wardrobes lol

If we used to stall at bottom of stairs my mum and dad would count to five and chase us up the stairs trying to bite our bums , they do this now when my kids stall and you hear one, two and then footsteps running up stairs so they dont get caught .

cdc norwich
If you asked my mum what she wanted for her birthday, she would say "a row of houses and a bag of nuts" and if you asked her to do something, she would say "lie down and I'll sing to you".

My son gets embarrassed because if we're buying something and it's expensive I always say "not a lot if you say it quickly".