

Its day 6 for me today, and yaaaaay i have stuck to it 100% but boy oh boy has it been hard. Day 3 was ok but day 4 well lets not even go there i was so miserable and sooooooooooo hungry i very nearly caved but i didn't and have to say i am very proud of myself hehehe, Day 5 was ok up til about 4 o'clock then i was starting to get cranky and hungry again but i pushed myself and managed to get through it lol. Not feeling too bad this morning, oh don't get me wrong i could eat but its not as strong as it was if yuo get wat i mean just waiting to see how i feel this afternoon but hopefully i will get thru it again lol.

My weigh in is tomorrow at 11.00am so i am keeping everything crossed for a gud loss, I am already beginning to noticed a change in my face, i have lost one of my chins hehehehehe and it looks alot less bloated even hubby has noticed. My tummy seems different too its more urrrrrrm softer and wobbly if that makes sense lol.

Hope you are all doing ok on it, sorry i havent been around for the last few days but i have been working and trying to stop myself invading the fridge lol.

bye for now lots of love muffin xxxxxxxxxx
I think we all know exactly what you mean Muffin, you have done so well and don't forget to post your losses tomorrow x:)
Yep, know exactly what you mean Muffin and well done for getting through the first week, it's always tough. Good luck for WI tomorrow!

Hi Muffin i am in my second week and found that writing a menu for this week has helped because knowing what im going to eat is safer than rooting in kitchen at the last minute, i could easily make the wrong choice. Maybe when you feel tempted to eat the wrong stuff you could pop in here and talk to these great people and the urge will pass.
Good luck on your weigh in.
xx Loobby lou :D
Yeah muffin, i totally see where you're coming from. Get doing some sit ups hun believe me it helps! Well done for not giving in xx
Let us know the great news tomorrow muffintop! You've done the toughest part now....the first week. It should be soooo much easier from now on.

Good luck for tomorrow (but you don't need it).
Keep up the good work Muffin it will get easier the more you see the pounds dropping off. I'm going for my second weigh in tomorrow and I fel same as you last week, I nearly gave in but stick to it and the results will be amazing! Let me know how you get on tomorrow and i'll do same.
Well done Muffin, keep up the good work! xxx
Well done muffin....you are on your way...
hey muffin!
good on you for pushing through the tough bits - tomorrow will bring you're reward - looking forward to hear your loss!
all the best for an easier week this week!
fran :)
Hey Muffin, good on ya for sticking with it :)- it's day one for me and this forum is keeping me very motivated.:D

Let us know how you go on with te weigh in.
