went off plan big style yesterday!


Silver Member
well ive been so good and doing sw 100% for the past five weeks since starting sw plan.. then we went and had a get together last night
hubby made the bestest rissoto ever but it had oil in it .. pancetta tons of cheese and chicken..
i had a portion of this and then munched my way through crusty bread with butter and peanut M&Ms and drank some wine so i think i just went a little bit off plan slightly :eek:

now usually i would think right thats it i might aswell just give up im dusting myself down and just going back to my routine..i might gain this week or stay the same but thats life somtimes isnt it.:D
If that's your first falling of the wagon in 5 weeks, then I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about it!

I normally have one night a week creep up on me and make me eat stuff I shouldn't. :eek:

You realised what you've done, draw a line under it, write all your syn's down, if your still doing a diary, and get back on plan today!

You'll probably find that, unless weigh-in is today, you haven't done that much damage! 1 naughty meal from 21 in a week shouldn't make a lot of difference.
Count it as a flexi day, move on and forget about it. The worst thing you can do is think 'that's it, I've blown it now, might as well go to town' - trust me, that's what I usually do and it's taken me YEARS to get my head around the fact that I don't have to punish myself every time I fall off the wagon.

Just look at people around you who cope fine - I use my sister as inspiration; she's had two kids and is still a neat little size 8. She has massive blow-outs on the weekends, where she eats sweets, drinks wine, and does whatever she feels like. Then the next day she gets up, goes back to her healthy (normal) eating routine and thinks nothing of having had the blow-out the night before!

You will be fine, keep your head up! :)

M xx
Well done, that is what I did when I went out with work the other week, had naughty food and bottle of wine! But the next day was straight back on it. You may find you will gain in 2 weeks though and not next week, I gained 1/2 ib this week and I have been 100% all week so can assume it was my flexi day 2 weeks ago. Obviously doesn't effect everyone this way, but can only think my 1/2ib gain was because of that night out. Glad you had a good night :)
thanks all for your wise words!!...

im not beating myself up to badly about it as i have been good for quite a while but to behonest as regards the wine which is usually my biggest vice i didnt even really enjoy it as i drank it .. i might aswell have had a glass of coke. just made me wake up with a slight headache this morning.. so i know im not even missing out on anything which is a good thing!!
Life gets in the way sometimes - draw the proverbial line and jump back on the wagon.

"i might gain this week or stay the same but thats life somtimes isnt it.:D" - best way (in my opinion) to look at it... :)