What am I doing wrong?

Ase - Have you had your insulin levels checked?
Hi Scooter,

I actually just had a bunch of tests done for an unrelated issue and they did run my blood sugar and all diabetes related levels and I'm A-OK. As far as my health, I'm "nearly perfect" according to my doc.
Well I believe I have an answer - I think it is the fizzy drinks. I did an experiment yesterday and drank 2 of them in addition to my daily water and ended up retaining 3lb of water weight today. I wish I knew if it was the citric acid or carbonation however. Unfortunately I have to consume a little bit of lemon every day as I have saliva gland stones and thats the only way to treat them really.

Hi Ase,

It is good to know that it is one or other and if you stay off the carbonation... and still retain then you'll know. And, maybe you can ask your doctor if there is another treatment.

As far as I know, it's the citric acid. Hopefully that little bit of lemon for the saliva gland stones will be ok, it might just be that with the fizzy too, it was too much. Hope you manage to work it out! Do saliva gland stones go away? I've never heard of them before.
turkey bacon contains flavorings
the flavorings often contain salt too hun
yum -- turkey bacon. MM
I've cursed twice today! I've lost two of my favorite things, fizzy water and turkey bacon.

And the stones do go away but basically I have to stimulate the glands by sucking on lemon drops or something similar. The sour makes the glands produce higher amounts of saliva and the sucking action also helps. The thing is I could suck on something different but it needs to be sour and just about anything sour will contain citric acid or sugar. The only other treatment is to surgically remove them. And honestly if I have to retain water for a few weeks - so be it, I'm not going to have them removed just because I dont want to retain 5 lb lol.

I agree with you on that one. If you can avoid surgery, then good.

Ahhhh, turkey bacon. One of my favorites.
