What are the HEs on Mix2Max and SE?


Better drink that water!
I cant seem to work it out. Can anyone explain?
HExs are the same for red, green, M2M and SE. So you have your 1 or 2 As and 2 Bs regardless of what day you're on. The only plan where HEs are restricted is Extra Easy
Sorry Im kinda confused. Cos if Im eating a mixed 1/3 on SE of red and green free foods, what are the HEs cos arent red and green frees the opposite of each other?? sorry if Im being thick.
Ok, I might be wrong, but this is how I understand it to be.......

On M2M - At a 'green' meal, if you want some meat, use one of your HEX b's. And vice versa if you are on a 'red' meal.

For both M2M and SE, you could always use your HEX b's on cereal, bread, soup, nuts, dried fruit etc.