What are we eating today?

Keep snuggled up hun, we're all here for you to moan at! I'll sympathise with you today and give the wii a miss :D

Get well soon xx
Im on my way.....well just after 2 which reminds me, i'd better get ready! We have trackers and so many computers on board they even know when we have the keys in the ignition!
It's like Big Brother in our line of work isn't it? :mad: Hope your shift isn't too bad hun - no unconcious ones upstairs anyway lol ;)
No comment :D Our sick sense of humours are coming out again ;)
B: yogurt
L: cocoa mim with vanilla frosting
D: something with green veggies I promise Jim. x
B: Nothing...too busy on here and I forgot :sigh:
L: Quiche
D: Think I'm making lamb burgers with a babybel shoved inside and cauli and broccoli with a cheese sauce
mm Cas let me know how the burgers go im planning on making them friday :D
Will do hun, they are now beef burgers cos I got the wrong meet out of the freezer! :rotflmao:

I've just mixed the beef with tabasco, cumin, coriander, paprika and garlic and two egg yolks. Made them into burgers and put a babybel sliced lengthways in the middle of each one - figured it would cut down the cheese intake if I halved them :D
mmm yummy. dont forget piccies too:) did you just make hole for the cheese or are you putting two patties together?
I putt two patties together and moulded them! they look good but god knows what they taste like lol :confused:
they will be yum.mmm i cant wait roll on friday :D
:DVirtually carb free as well - only 1.2 carbs and it made 6 burgers!
omg. are you having oopsies with them or the big mushrooms x
Think I'm going to serve them with cauli and broccoli with a touch of cheese sauce :D
I don't like either lol but I'm getting used to them - ok with cheese sauce - yummy then :D
Would you grill the burgers or fry them? :confused: