What are we eating today?

More snow!

B - finished off the meatballs with 1oz cheese melted over, 2 fried eggs
L - tuna and salad, olives, mayo
D - couple of chicken portions roasted in butter, veg

Have a good day!
Good luck with WW, Wendy.

Breakfast: Chocolate MIM with cream cheese.

Lunch: Plain MIM cheese sandwich

Dinner: Quorn hot dogs with lots of steamed cabbage and creamed cauliflower.

Snack: To be confirmed.
Good Morning

B: I nuked some left over Moussaka from last night.
L: The Cafe as usual.
D: Beef Curry from the recipe on the recipe thread.

I think I'll have salmon and cheese, tuna mayo for lunch, then taking the kids for an Indian meal with friends tonight - so maybe tandoori chicken. Or is there anything else that's ok for induction?

First weigh in tomorrow since starting atkins so I'm not taking any chances!
Morning :)
Oh best of luck Wendy!
Ditzee was it good? I might have to try myself!

B - omelette and sausage (apu)
L- red salmon and prawn salad
D - butter chicken from recipe thread
s - babybel
OOOOOOh an essex girl, and she's blonde too. :D
LOL, now that takes me back. LMAO
ooh Laura that mint salsa sounds nice- how do you make it?
pooh, I'm not scared, I'm ex para remember. :)
B:2 boiled eggs

Ex - walk
It was my fan club last year Suzie. :D
You'd be surprised how quickly people come and go Vicky. I find it sad. Anyone seen Morena lately?
I am still here :D

Ok todays menu:

B - Bacon and mushroom omelette
L - Gammon round, 2 fried eggs a small salad and Mayo.
D - (I am at work til 10pm) Will be a late dinner as I wasn't very prepared. I am thinking mince beef burgers and a salad.

Snack - Babybel