What can i drink on day 1 of refeed?


Silver Member
Hi, I'm on day 1 of an unplanned re feed so haven't been able to speak to my chemist. Is it just water and black tea/coffee that I'm allowed like TFR? I still want to lose so don't want to do this wrong. Thanks
Thanks Hun. I managed to find that. Iv had a few cups of tea and a glass of lemonade but I'm not gonna go mad because I don't need the fizzy drinks. I think I'm going to have them when I feel like I want something sweet. Iv not wanted anything like that yet so making the most of it :)
Sounds good! Your making me feel less nervous about my re-feed week now! It's the weeks that follow which are terrifying me!! I know I'll put on.. I've just got so many social events just hoping its not to much and I can get back on track!

Lost 20lbs
jeni3075 said:
Sounds good! Your making me feel less nervous about my re-feed week now! It's the weeks that follow which are terrifying me!! I know I'll put on.. I've just got so many social events just hoping its not to much and I can get back on track!

Lost 20lbs

Just make the right choices and you will be fine. You have done so well! I am do happy this isn't as hard as I worked myself up for it to be :)
I felt the same jeni in my first refeed after the comfort of tfr for 5.5 months but if you stick to the plan you will actually lose weight, I lost a further 5lbs on that refeed week :) x
Wow fantastic! I plan to do it very strictly for a week before I go away for a few days which unfortunately might not be so strict! :)

Lost 23lbs in 4 weeks :)