What did your LO eat today (weaning)

Yeah ok thanks, just knackered, I'm about to go to sleep I'm wrecked but Naomi's getting up which is unusual, praying she'll go back off. Food wise I thought I'd had a good week but my scales aren't showing a loss yet :( x
That's great Hollie being so good for you, Naomi will hopefully drop off soon I need my bed. I'm goin to do high protein low cal very low carb tomorrow. See if I can get something off x
Hi girls, haven't been on for a few days, Amelia been poorly full of cold. Ha really bad few nights with her, she's been up at least 15 times a night struggling to breathe as her Nose constantly running. Feel so sorry for her.
The last few weeks she has come down to three bottles a day and is doing brill , as she having plenty of food and juice and water.
I also moved her bedtime and hour earlier as she was havin a nap before her bottle before bed , so I gave it a try. The first night she went through as norm and then the next three after tha she woke through night. She obv not ready to go an earlier so I have gone back to other routine and letting we have a nap before botle before bedtime and seem to work ok for her.
As shes getting older she not sleeping as long through night, any one else find the same?
Oh god no Lucy, it was a troll post its been removed now, it certainly wasn't anything to do with your post I can promise that hun xx
Oh god no Lucy, it was a troll post its been removed now, it certainly wasn't anything to do with your post I can promise that hun xx

Ah rite lol :p pregnancy paranoia haha

Hope everyones bubbas ok :) x
Hi everyone! Not been on for a while, hope babies are all doing good!

Teddy gets up a lot earlier now used to be 9 for both my boys and last few weeks were always up around 7! Need to get used to it really though as Jesse starts full time nursery in september and we need to get up at 7 then to make sure they ready and he's had time to wake up abit lol x
Hi cas me and Amelia great!!!! She has even full of old for two weeks and just not clearing, also she been awake in night very night for 3 weeks!!! I don't no whether it just a stage for her age she going through , how r u and ur girls? X
Hey Becca glad your both are great, apart from Amelia's cold, can't believe how fast the time is going Hollie be 11 mths next week! better start planning her birthday!!

Me and the girls are good Maisie was 3 last weekend so we had a little party for her, Hollie loved the food!

It might be her cold keeping her wake, hopefully she get back to normal soon, when Maisie was a baby she slept all the way through from 2 wks then when she was 2 and half she kept waking up during the night, so they do go through stages.

I have notice with Hollie since she's been, crawling and standing up more she wearing herself out so she's sleeping longer at night and during the day, we're putting up a baby gate tonight as she's discovered the stairs and keeps trying to get up them.

Your have to post some recent pics of Amelia xx
Awwwww 11 months already, goes so quick! Amelia 9 months on the 12th. She trying to crawl but not getting very far hehe and keeps trying to pull herself up to stand.
Did maisie have a nice bday?
How much milk does Hollie have now? And what milk does she have? Here few recent piccies


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R thankyou cas!! They always love one toy and never play with the rest. Amelia loves jake an the never land pirates in tv ha, she is glued to the fv and doc mcstuffins haha!!! She looks straight past ya to look at tv .