What do you tell people


Full Member
Obviously I won't be able to hide it in work. I'm starting a new job on Monday so it will be with people I don't know.

Hi, I didnt tell anyone apart from my hubs n kids knowing, I work from home as well so no work mates etc ( apart from online!) I didnt want to tell anyone to start with as i have done many diets over and over again, and joined WW at least twice a year etc etc etc, and i explained it as "i didnt need an audience to my failure AGAIN!"
I avoided social situs, but it was a run up to a holiday for me where I meet up with several differents mates and families, so no one was doing much for those weeks as we were all trying to save wine money lol, but then on holiday i did have to explain as i had lost 2 stone in the 5 weeks they hadnt seen me, I had a couple of "oh that will go back on as quick as it came off" , but another friend is now on LT and doing great, due to my results which inspired her, there are still people i havent mentioned it too, mainly my mum and my mum in law, neither have ever been over weight and both in 80s so i just KNOW i will get a lecture about whats so wrong about doing this ( bear in mind i am type 2 diabetic, and have now managed to drop loads of my medication through this, so i would feel i am much healthier than ever) , some people tell everyone to begin with, at the end of the day it is up to you, and also this is YOU doing this, not them, you changing your life, so do what feels best xxx
Hi j-o :)

This isn't a suggestion to you, because I don't know how you feel about it, it's just what I personally do. I am just totally honest about it. I don't advertise it, but if someone asks I tell them and then if they're interested I explain further. Would you rather people didn't know? How're you feeling today? :)
I told people in work that I was giving up eating in work. I had my shake at 8am and the next one at 5.30pm and the last about 8-9pm. It worked until they started noticing the weight loss and then I told them the truth.
I don't mind really tbh but I was thinking of saying its a protein shake if they ask.

I'm grand today. I feel really good if I'm honest :)
I don't mind really tbh but I was thinking of saying its a protein shake if they ask.

'Protein shake' just makes me think of body builders! :D

I can understand not wanting to tell people about it for the reason that Dizzy said (not wanting an audience in case you didn't manage it because that wouldn't be very nice), but if you're not worried about that aspect of it then I can't see the point in not saying what you're really doing. I'm not sure what the worst that could happen is? I suppose you could get people saying "it's not a good idea" or "the weight will go straight back on". ...but I wouldn't worry about that.
Ah It's just first impressions and all that! Protein shake cause I'm really sporty and play football :)
Evening all

I tell people I'm on a medically supervised diet (because technically it is) so it helps to stop the....oh that can't be a healthy way to lose weight....type of comments. People have seen me do this diet sucessfully before so I haven't hidden it from anyone and I just explain how bad I was feeling before I started it and if I had another choice that would work for me then I would have taken it. Medically supervised diet usually stops comments in their tracks to be honest lol.
I work in a bakery started new job 2 weeks ago and found that 3 of the staff are on different diets and I told them what diet I was on they asked more and did the usual "oh I couldn't do that" "that's not healthy" but now that they have seen me sticking to it they are very supportive. And even when we were supposed to try the new products they came round asking people to try and joked "Iam not asking you cos your not allowed it" which was a good way to stop me failing there :)
evening everybody !
me & my mum have decided not to tell people because we want people to notice were losing weight instead of people feeling the need to compliment us because they know we are doing the LT diet, if anyone asks, I'm going to say that it is a shake that helps control my irritable bowel syndrome, as when i drink such shakes as slim fast my IBS feels like it is under control and dont need to go to the bathroom every 5 blinking minutes! so if anyone asks me, thats my answer, but no one will ask cos ima be a sneaky moo about it ;)
Emmy_J <3 xxx
Well I have told my friends, family and boss. Everyone is supportive except my boss who really doesn't understand... She has always offered me food and drink but now knows I'm on milkshakes and only drink water.

After saying it cant be healthy after i have explained it was a gp programme asking me on four separate occasions if I eat in the evening I say yes. So she has laid off, but has spoken to get daughter who's a gp as she can't get her mind around it.

She's been complementing me on my weight loss but I dread the questions to follow.... Like when are you finishing? How much longer?