What do you think?

There is a guy in our class who has lost 4 stone in 15 weeks. He regularly looses around 6lbs per week and the running joke in our class is that we just come in and hand the fruit straight to him, rather than putting it in the basket as we know he will be SOTW!

I have to say, everyone in the class is totally behind him and is so pleased for him. His wife is in the class too, and, while they are eating practically all the same foods, she isn't loosing nearly as much as him. He has quite an active job, and he says he finds it much easier to do now, so I suspect his activity levels have increased naturally since he started, although he seems to still have a good bit to loose.

Loosing weight is a very individual thing, and it all depends on how much you have to loose and what your eating habits were like pre-SW.

I know I am really impatient, and want to be at my target really quickly, but I know that every loss is a good loss, and I just need to stick at it, and make sure I change my habits for life, rather than just look for a quick-fix and possibly find myself back at SW in a few years time, heavier than I have ever been.
I have a LOT to lose - about 7 stones - And I know from past dieting that I just dont lose weight very quickly.
Sometimes I find it so daunting cos it means I will probably be on a "diet" for the next 2 years at least.
However I think its fabulous if people can shift it fast - As Ive mentioned before a helper at our class lost 5st 10lb in 24 weeks bt sticking to the plan 100% and we all look up to her and i dont think anyone questions how she did it.
yes i think a lot does depend on how you do the plan.
some i know say they do it 100% but only lose a lb at most and are dissapointed but if they look closely they arent weighing hea's,a few treats are remembered etc.

im doing it 100% and i mean 100% i religiously weigh/measure anything that needs to,i dont guestimate on anything,i check syn values before i eat anything and ive made a point of increasing my exercise which i know is helping.
i also make as damn sure as i can that most times my snacks are not only superfree but speed or super speed too...i also mostly make sure that third superfree at least is on my plate(or eaten straight after as fruit.
also i make sure i have a very varied diet in regards to my main meals,try different things as i know this helps too.

all of these things contribute....i won sow this week with 3.5lb....and a lady actually said i dont understand how people like you do it week in week out losing so well.i didnt say anything but i did feel quite upset almost as though i was being accused of something.i wanted to say how i did the plan,really was 100% etc....she always mentions not weighing hea's,having a cake etc...i know she doesnt have a very varied diet.
some people get to that point(as i have) where i just want it done and if it means being really obsessive almost then so be it..thats me and thats how i do it. others prefer the scenic route and know they are doing that and then you have the people that dont think about it and are blinded to things they are doing to sabotage themselves whilst believing they are 100%
I also got a lot of negative comments as I lost every single week, and often 3-4lbs at a time. I stuck to the plan 100%, and I mean that - I literally never cheated. I also exercised a hell of a lot. Yet I was always getting told I must be starving myself. It really upset me, to the point that I played down my losses, particularly to my colleagues. I find it very upsetting that people feel the need to judge :-(