What happens to cellulite as you get slim?


Talk to me!
I've got a random question about cellulite because I have LOADS of it. I've only just completed my first week on 4 packs a day and I've managed to lose 11pounds. Given that on this diet you lose really quickly I was wondering what happenned to the cellulite dimples as you got slimmer. Do they just dissappear in correlation to your weight loss or do they get visibly lumpier despite having thinner limbs? Or do you not see it because the skin gets so loose quickly?

For now I'm working on (self made) preventative measures hoping it might help by body brushing, having daily hot baths in epsom salt, massaging said areas vigorously, sometimes with a body scrub and moisturising. But I don't know if there is anything better I can do as I don't know what to expect.

Also how do you stop your skin from becoming 'loose'? Is there a product to tighten up the belly skin a bit? What would help?

Thank you!
loose skin is generally a genetic thing, and age related, but they also state it takes upto 2 years for it to settle after subsantial weightloss.

as for cellulite... again genetic, its just the shape of the fat pockets. water helps, as does body brushing, but ultimately if you are genetically predisposed it will be there at size 8... best thing to do is make sure as you lose weight you increase your lean body mass, mostly through weight lifting. that way your body fat percentage drops, so cellulite will decrease to x
Thank you for your reply! Sounds like I'm stuck with cellulite for life! Its so gross, I can feel each individual pocket of fat in the cellulite. I bully it.

Weight lifting... like dumbells? I don't know where to start with that one!!
a great book is the new rules of weight lifting for women, available through amazon.

I lost 78lb on lighter life a couple of years back and was 40 at the time with loads of cellulite. My skin wasn't saggy at all (apart from a bit crinkly on my tummy as I'm a mum of two!) and my cellulite all but disappeared.

Now I'm maintaining I find that sugary/carby foods and not drinking enough water can make it start to reappear.

I was worried about loose skin but decided losing the weight was much more important to me. At that point in my life I'd never worn a bikini anyway so...

(but I did last summer!!!)

Try not to worry too much. You're doing a brilliant thing in tackling your weight. Our bodies are amazing things. Trust that one way or another you will feel much much healthier!
That is encouraging to hear! Thank you.

(And well done on getting to bikini size!! I don't think I've worn a bikini since I was 5!)

What happens to the parts of skin covered in old stretch marks (white) if you have loads and loads? Now that must sag surely coz its like overstretched elastic bands that won't get back into shape?
Well... you can't see the detail, but you can see from these two photos that I lost a lot of weight off my arms - and I think they look ok and not wrinkly at all! Try not to worry too much - drink lots of water and get a reasonable amount of exercise. You'll be fine!

WOW Spanglymum! You look amazing in that black dress!! Really, WELL DONE! What diet did you do to achieve that and how long did it take?

This is my first truly dedicated diet and because I thrive on routine anyway I'm finding it quite good but I think the hardest bit is maintain the new size after achieving it. I noticed you have a badge of 'maintainer' as well. Well done!! And btw I don't believe you're 40, you definitely look younger!

I am also worried I might look older when I lose the weight because right now being fat it stretches out the skin on my face so I've got no lines, but when I lose weight my skin won't be so tight on my face! lol
Thanks! :eek: I'm actually going to be 42 this year so your lovely comments are even lovelier! Thanks!

I did Lighter Life and it took me five months. I reached goal early last year and have been maintaining ever since. I've had some minor blips but am sitting here in my size 12 trousers (I used to be a size 22) typing this. My weight fluctuates from time to time (had an epic gain over Christmas!!) but I'm managing, one way and another. I'd like to go a few pounds lighter but I think that's just me being picky lol.
Spangleymum you look AMAZING and are a massive inspiration. Well done on maintaining you weight as well. I have large arms and so glad to see yours so slender after your weight loss.

I'm worried about loose skin but you ladies on here have made me feel more positive :) xx
