What have you just eaten??

Laura_carlburgess said:
Ummm not sure it says vegetables pickled can be used as SF veggies in the book but anybody feel free to correct me x

Ooh just realised I put it as a syn lol! So just answered my own question I put it down in error as a syn haha x
Alpen bar 3 and a half syns
Vegetable chilli con carne and a corn of the cob mmmmmm
Only 3 syns for an Alpen light! :) Non light alpens are between 5.5 -6.5syns

Woop woop even better cheers for that :)

It was lovely as well.

I have just had a frozen coconut mullerlight it was really nice I cant stop eating today lol
4 Krisprolls (HEB & 2 syns) with fat free cottage cheese. Plus a cheese scone (syn free) with some extra light cheese triangle on it. Then some pineapple.

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