What have you just eaten??

Pineapple chunks and a banana x
Debridger said:
Works canteen.....although free, v.small portions - 1 slice of beef, about 2oz tuna... so, a little bit of both

Oh I just couldn't imagine beef n tuna together :) x
3 scan bran broken into a choc shape delight(5 syns) left to soften then mixed with a chopped banana, it was blooming gorgeous!!!
Lydiahoyle said:
Of course u do! That's a good thing to cone out of it! Yes your right, no binging...I will try my best. Thank u! X


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Israeli cous cous with roast veg. Followed by pineapple.

Later lunch than usual!!!

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2 scan bran with quark and cuecumber
Just munched some melon, was soooo sweet and yummy, and a cheaky can of Pepsi Max, that should keep me going until dinner :) x
Two cheese slices... Does anyone know if I can use these as my HExA ?? Ate sainsburys basics xxx
Smoked mackrel, hard boiled eggs, cucumber, celery, tomato, raw mushrooms, red onion and a few drops of reduced fat salad cream.
A clementine. It tasted a bit like wine, slightly concerned...
Homemade salmon fishcake with Couscous and a salad, followed by fruits...