What is a side salad? Please share your ideas!


New Member
So many recipes seem to say "...and simply serve with a side salad" but I'm not really sure how to make this interesting.

I'm new to slimming world and this forum. While not a complete novice in the kitchen whipping up a salad has never been my thing. Probably how I ended up needing SW!

The side salad seems like a great way of getting in the 1/3 of super free foods and it's what I struggle with the most, does anyone have suggestions of what to put in it?

Any help is much appreciated!!
Depends what I am having but some things I love are ...

Spinach, rocket, plum tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers, spring onion....all chopped really small!

Also I like capers, artichokes, coriander ;)

Parmesan and balsamic too

I usually have lettuce, tomatoes, spring onion,celery, cucumber, sometimes with grated carrot.For a dressing i have a sweet chilli sauce or the low fat vinaigarette.
I'm very basic, lettuce, onion and cucumber lol.. Tomatoes if I fancy it.
I'm pretty basic too! Salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, radish - spring onion or red onion if I have it in, same for peppers!